Wolfram Alpha now analyzes literary works

Search-analytical service Wolfram Alpha continues to make new functions. In General, the service developers do not sleep and try each month to submit something new. Then they add a feature to track aircraft when possible a couple of clicks to find out what kind of plane flew over my head what airline it belongs to, and how many passengers. Now this search engine has learned to analyze literary works (only in English). But not as a literary critic, but as a "worker" of the Department of statistics.
now, Wolfram Alpha can now at the user's request to determine characteristics such famous literary works as the total number of words (displaying the time to read this work), the total number of unique words total number of unique bases of words, average number of characters per word and the longest word. There are other characteristics of the text literary works, for which Wolfram Alpha can show you.

To get the right data you can not just by entering the name of the book (eng. lang.) in the search string. You can also enter the query (Yes, again in English) of the "the longest words in "Romeo and Juliet".
Probably, such information does not need a very large number of people, because one of us will deal with statistical analysis of "War and peace", for example? But some experts, such data are still needed. Well, everyone else can just play around with the new feature — maybe it will be able to find something useful for yourself? In any case, I would be interested to know how many words in the most favorite works.
Yet available not many literary works that Wolfram Alpha can analyze. But the developers, in their own words, constantly work to such works became more and more.
Via wolframalpha
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