Vkontakte sync with address book for iPhone. How it was done

It was back in November of last year. The application was done fairly quickly — it uses quite a few functions of Vkontakte API and functionality with the address book of the iPhone. But when we started to deal with the automatic matching of contacts, it was fun. Compare head-on by name, last name and phone number was easy to do, easy, and worked through it quickly. But found only 20 percent of coincidences of the contacts from what is provider in Android.

Of course, only direct hits do not suit us. First added transliteration in both directions (i.e. name and surname, alternately from the address book and friends list VKontakte was translirovalis and compared). Then he added the recognition of the parts of the phone without codes (sometimes people have the same contact number even without any codes, and even phone with country code, call them here and there in different ways, but in fact it is one and the same person).
The latter added the comparison on the basis of synonyms of the names now, the results of the autosearch matches began to really impress. At the same time, to impress and speed. IPhone 3GS 400 fines with friends Vkontakte superimposed on the address book 120 to about 18 minutes.
Of course, this did not suit anyone at all, so stupid decision "in a forehead" in the form of a pack of nested loops for a long time simplified, got rid of the nesting, at the same time a number of bugs caught. Now in the same conditions, wait time — 40 seconds use Wi-Fi and 1.5 minutes on 3G.
The time has come to publish the app in AppStore. Like nothing boded trouble, but the process took quite a long time. Initially, the application is rejected week and a half after sending it for review because "we don't have a test account to check." OK, send them a test account. Through another week again received a letter of happiness "after we login we get the error". Error looked pretty sweet. Here it is:

We've searched the forums and documentation trying to figure out what it is. But even longer digging when I realized what is in this case security breach and HOW to work around it?
On to someone news, no news, but authorization through a third-party application from Facebook, and own website, activated limit if you enter from "unusual places". In this case, another country. Only on the site you are prompted to enter the last 4 digits, but using OAuth you just give the error. If someone really knows a working version of the error handling in this case — say. We have not found, and in order to boost the reviews, I just logged in under a test account through a proxy in Cupertino. After that, the censors seem fine allowed, because recently, they still normally have published it in the App Store.
Here is a brief on the functionality of what we have:

As always, for Gabriela I have 10 promo codes. Waiting for reports to the PM and hope that you will like. We use — convenient for us.
application Link: itunes.apple.com/ru/app/sinhronizator-vkontakte/id490603954

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