Webinar: How to create locators for Selenium WebDriver

This is the third webinar of the cycle free webinars on automation testing.
The video (duration is 1 hour, 12 min.):

Topics and details of the video under the cut

Webinar presenter, Michael Polyarush, webinar Presenter, talks about how to build a simple locators for Selenium WebDriver for database id/name/link and complex: XPath and CSS selectors.

This webinar is entirely dedicated exclusively to creating the right locators, discuss their work and demonstrate by practical examples.
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00:00-02:09 Entry.
02:10-06:19 Tools: Firefox, Firebug, Fire Path. Install and run the tools.
06:20-10:59 Simple locators (id, name, link). How Selenium IDE builds locators?
11:00-12:59 Complex locators (CSS, XPath)
13:00-05:29 When you need to use complex locators?
15:30-16:05 Problems in using complex locators
16:06-21:24 Advice on the correct storage and preparation of complex locators
21:25-38:55 Compilation of CSS locators. Find elements by properties, id, class and attribute values. Relations between the elements and levels of nesting.
38:56-45:59 Practical examples of how to use CSS locators
46:00-51:04 Drafting locators with XPath. Syntax. The advantage of XPath over CSS. The use of attributes and filters.
51:05-56:11 Axis in XPath. The definition of related and dependent elements.
56:12-56:59 common function in the XPath filters. count(), contains(), text(), position(), last()
57:00-1:04:14 Practical examples of how to create XPath locators.
1:04:15-1:05:24 Totals
1:05:25-1:12:07 Answers to the questions: Support for regular expressions, the difference between Sizzle and CSS


About the webinar

Author: Michael Polyarush. A webinar was conducted with the support of Ciklum.
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Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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