QuickBlox — backend for mobile applications
Hello, Abrowser! 
I would like to tell you about the project, working on our modest development team — QuickBlox is the backend for mobile applications.
On 8 June at the conference mobile developer day #moco I'm going to tell about us and wish those who will attend, already had an idea about our product.
So, QuickBlox is a set of modules and blocks with a predetermined logic. Programmer mobile application can concentrate on developing the application itself, and not worry about hosting for the backend. The most needed task user authorization, storage of data and files, pictures and avatars, ratings, games and more will no longer demand the implementation of a server application.
Infrastructure QuickBlox located entirely on Amazon Web Services. On habré I have some good articles about these services, but the main thing is that we have a huge andalmost limitless resources for scaling.
REST API the following modules of the project:
Read more about all the modules will be discussed in separate articles, there are given pieces of code for the most common platforms, examples of API calls and other Goodies. In this article I will go through the modules briefly.
Module Users allows you to store and authenticate users in your application. Storage available in fields such as login, facebook id, twitter id, email, phone, website, fullname, external id. The tags, allowing to divide users into groups.
We can store hundreds of thousands of your users, and you even will not care about the server capacity and data storage.
The name of the module Ratings speaks for itself — in this module you can store all sorts of ratings records and hiscores. Exists the flexible system of settings gejmmody and parameters with which the application works. Logic Ratings developed at the request of many developers who worked for us and covers almost all the options of recording hiscores games.
Based on Amazon S3 storage resource is available through the API QuickBlox. Configuring access rights, the ability to download files of huge size, the infinite volume (declared AWS) allow the developer of a mobile application the advantage over other market players. You have all been invented and thought out — using the API store your files with us! By the way, streaming is also supported, and several applications for very famous studios was developed on the basis of the module Content.
All the possibilities XMPP chat module connected to the Users multiplied by thousands and thousands raised at the same time connections will give your application the desired socialization. With conventional p2p chat as rooms are available in multi user chat. Transfer files, video and audio calls are possible due to all the same XMPP.
Module messages supports the basic platform for push notifications — iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Currently there is a development pushey for BlackBerry — they will be available in the near future.
Pushey in addition to available e-mails (via Amazon SES), pull notifications and POST requests to third-party services. Mutual integration module allows Users to send messages to users and groups of users simultaneously, e.g., using tags.
Module Location can store the coordinates of the users and from these coordinates to create GEODATA with the status of the place where the user (something like the logic on Forsquare), and if they snap a picture of the module Content — that would be similar to Instagram place with a picture and review on the map.
To facilitate the development and expedite the application integration with QuickBlox, our programmers developed SDK the major platforms — iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Web/Facebook. The SDK is almost completely covered by the use-cases and calls to the API.
Also QuickBlox is famous for open projects Samples. These programs provide an opportunity to look at the code and adapted it for their needs, implement in their apps. From the smallest SimpleSamples describing basic actions with QuickBlox, to huge applications with augmented reality — all available in open source our GitHub account.
And now a few details about the service. Written QuickBlox in Ruby on Rails. As DBMS we use MySQL on AmazonRDS. The chat module is a Java app. Our product uses almost 80% of the Amazon, and expanding together with them, we are always opening new horizons.
Well, as without a master, price! At the moment, QuckBlox for beta developers is absolutely free. Resource consumption and traffic are considered, but not reflected in your account. And also for beta developers in the future, provided the discount program. If you use QuickBlox for free now, becoming a paid, QuickBlox not too expensive. This program is designed specifically in order to attract developers to find and fix ALL bugs.
New features? We are open to discuss new functionality on request from our developers. For discussion of features and issues we have community and support.
We are better than competitors? First, we guys from Kharkov, and it's the Internet — we will provide all the necessary support in your native language. Again, we are free and open to features that you want us to see is second and third. The platform is in active development and at this stage, your feedbacks is more important than your dollars.
However, that's the whole short information about QuickBlox. More details of the modules API and will be described separately.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru

I would like to tell you about the project, working on our modest development team — QuickBlox is the backend for mobile applications.
On 8 June at the conference mobile developer day #moco I'm going to tell about us and wish those who will attend, already had an idea about our product.
So, QuickBlox is a set of modules and blocks with a predetermined logic. Programmer mobile application can concentrate on developing the application itself, and not worry about hosting for the backend. The most needed task user authorization, storage of data and files, pictures and avatars, ratings, games and more will no longer demand the implementation of a server application.
Infrastructure QuickBlox located entirely on Amazon Web Services. On habré I have some good articles about these services, but the main thing is that we have a huge and
REST API the following modules of the project:
- Users the
- Ratings the
- Content the
- Chat the
- Messages the
- Location
Read more about all the modules will be discussed in separate articles, there are given pieces of code for the most common platforms, examples of API calls and other Goodies. In this article I will go through the modules briefly.
Module Users allows you to store and authenticate users in your application. Storage available in fields such as login, facebook id, twitter id, email, phone, website, fullname, external id. The tags, allowing to divide users into groups.
We can store hundreds of thousands of your users, and you even will not care about the server capacity and data storage.
The name of the module Ratings speaks for itself — in this module you can store all sorts of ratings records and hiscores. Exists the flexible system of settings gejmmody and parameters with which the application works. Logic Ratings developed at the request of many developers who worked for us and covers almost all the options of recording hiscores games.
Based on Amazon S3 storage resource is available through the API QuickBlox. Configuring access rights, the ability to download files of huge size, the infinite volume (declared AWS) allow the developer of a mobile application the advantage over other market players. You have all been invented and thought out — using the API store your files with us! By the way, streaming is also supported, and several applications for very famous studios was developed on the basis of the module Content.
All the possibilities XMPP chat module connected to the Users multiplied by thousands and thousands raised at the same time connections will give your application the desired socialization. With conventional p2p chat as rooms are available in multi user chat. Transfer files, video and audio calls are possible due to all the same XMPP.
Module messages supports the basic platform for push notifications — iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Currently there is a development pushey for BlackBerry — they will be available in the near future.
Pushey in addition to available e-mails (via Amazon SES), pull notifications and POST requests to third-party services. Mutual integration module allows Users to send messages to users and groups of users simultaneously, e.g., using tags.
Module Location can store the coordinates of the users and from these coordinates to create GEODATA with the status of the place where the user (something like the logic on Forsquare), and if they snap a picture of the module Content — that would be similar to Instagram place with a picture and review on the map.
To facilitate the development and expedite the application integration with QuickBlox, our programmers developed SDK the major platforms — iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Web/Facebook. The SDK is almost completely covered by the use-cases and calls to the API.
Also QuickBlox is famous for open projects Samples. These programs provide an opportunity to look at the code and adapted it for their needs, implement in their apps. From the smallest SimpleSamples describing basic actions with QuickBlox, to huge applications with augmented reality — all available in open source our GitHub account.
And now a few details about the service. Written QuickBlox in Ruby on Rails. As DBMS we use MySQL on AmazonRDS. The chat module is a Java app. Our product uses almost 80% of the Amazon, and expanding together with them, we are always opening new horizons.
Well, as without a master, price! At the moment, QuckBlox for beta developers is absolutely free. Resource consumption and traffic are considered, but not reflected in your account. And also for beta developers in the future, provided the discount program. If you use QuickBlox for free now, becoming a paid, QuickBlox not too expensive. This program is designed specifically in order to attract developers to find and fix ALL bugs.
New features? We are open to discuss new functionality on request from our developers. For discussion of features and issues we have community and support.
We are better than competitors? First, we guys from Kharkov, and it's the Internet — we will provide all the necessary support in your native language. Again, we are free and open to features that you want us to see is second and third. The platform is in active development and at this stage, your feedbacks is more important than your dollars.
However, that's the whole short information about QuickBlox. More details of the modules API and will be described separately.
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