Google will lower you in search results sites with lots of advertising

Recently Google has announced an important decision: sites with too many ads will drop in the search results. This decision was taken after detailed consideration of the complaints of users who were unhappy with the quality of sites that are pretty high in search results for a particular query. Going on this site, the user sometimes no content, besides advertising, can not find.
Matt Cutts wrote that underestimated are the sites where is useful content the user sees only ads, and to retrieve at least some of the information you need to scroll the page down. Here are the sites and fall in the results. It is worth noting that Google is not going to lower results in the websites with pop angerami and click-angerami (and other types of pop-up ads). Which is a pity.
Yet what measures will be taken only for sites with a large number of static ads directly in the content. And Yes, as usual, clear criteria of what it means "a lot of advertising on the website" Google does not. However, according to Cutts, webmasters especially fear — of the sites described above, no more than 1% of all indexed by Google search engine resources.
After this information was published, there have been opponents of the decision. However, supporters no less, and maybe more — after all, many of us are already tired of sites that really just crammed with all sorts of advertising without useful content. Perhaps the most striking representatives of the "reclamation" will disappear from the issuance of, and that's good.
Via insidesearch
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