Google is testing a voice search feature

In a Network there was an interesting news: apparently, Google is currently testing a voice search feature to its search service. This is what the official information from the Corporation was received. The first new feature I noticed one of the readers of Mashable, on Monday afternoon. Voice search detects your system's microphone and allows you to use the widget "Speak now" to convert the spoken phrases to text.
In principle, the owners of phones based on the Android OS should be familiar with Google Voice Search, voice where you can control certain functions of the phone. For example, the phrase "Directions to Empire State Building New York" will help to reach this building in new York. The Corporation is currently actively working on improving the product, and even taught the program to recognize Chinese (Russian Google more or less learned to understand from the end of 2010).
Apparently, now it's time for the final phase of product testing for desktops and laptops, and not just for mobile devices. Unfortunately, the access function is closed for most users, voice search appears randomly, and the lucky ones who were able to test the new functionality not so much.
Similar functionality, if everything will work fine, and will be presented to support not one English, but other languages will be very useful. On the other hand, a huge number of companies struggling to create enough reliable solutions in the field of voice recognition, but so far one hundred percent working software for your PC or mobile device that would "type" text by voice, no.
Below you can find some screenshots that made the reader Mashable, testing a new function.

Via Mashable
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