What's wrong with Russian IT publications

/ > What is important in a startup? Idea technology, the team is all well and good, but what separates the successful startups from the others? It is possible to argue long, but in the end, as it is not sad, in most cases, success is determined by proper marketing. Of course, one cannot belittle the merit of the idea and implementation of the product, but I think you will agree if I say that marketing plays a much greater role.

Every startup in the early stage of its development is trying to reach the maximum audience and all the possible marketing channels. But it is worth noting one channel of promotion, which compared to other cheaper potential outcome is huge, the same result can remind myself a few more years, what's more, this channel of promotion can help not only to attract customers, but also employees, partners and even investors!

It is, of course, about online publications that write about business, startups and IT. Below is the description of the problem, which have all similar publications, writing in Russian, and how we trying to solve it.

So what is the problem with most media? Probably you know it yourself, and it consists in the fact that all Russian-language publications rather write the news about the new product from Apple or a button (not)dislike from Facebook, than about the Russian startup that creates prosthetic hands or about the startup, which is developing small satellites.

As a result, the publications themselves exacerbate a not so small problem of the information vacuum. Of course, they all have limited resources and they can't write about everything, so they have to decide to either write the material on infopovod, which will cover the maximum audience and that materials will be published in ten other publications or to write a unique article about a really innovative startup out of Russia, the founders of which will be able to tell not only about your project but the errors and difficulties they had to face in the Russian reality. Unfortunately, all outlets are interested particularly in traffic and in the end often choose the first option.

Many founders of successful startups say they started their own company because they saw a problem and wanted to solve it, which is why they decided to make the step to the unknown and begin to work on solving this problem. And we came up with a crazy idea — "what if we try to solve this problem?". No sooner said than done.

That is what got our new project — startupden.ru

We are not going to write about another product from Apple, the new version of Android or that the CEO of Yahoo went on vacation. We want to focus on news about the CIS, and also on articles about business and startups. For example, we recently did a review of the industry space startups from Russia.

So far, the materials are not as much as I would like, but we are working hard on it. If you want us to write about your project, or you have interesting material for our publication — write, would be happy to publish!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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