What's wrong with our EsheDeshe?

This summer we, at Aidem, together with its partners has launched online store joint purchases EsheDeshe.ru. The task was to make a joint purchase convenient (now it's 99% of the forums in which a normal person without "a pint" you will not understand).

Designing UX and UI is our specialty, so began the study and analysis of market and similar projects. Developed characters concept, supramaterial, describe the logic behavior and determined requirements for design, materials, etc. — received specification of form and behavior (60+ pages). Ordered the development of the identity and layout of website have a good designer, went into the development of, simultaneously started to conclude contracts with suppliers and partners.

In the shop we use a number of ancillary services (definition location of the buyer, calculate shipping cost by different shipping companies, service, sending SMS, etc.).

Wrote, conducted several cycles of testing and launched. But the explosion did not happen. Called intelligent professional promotion in the social.networks, worked a few months with him, but it did not help. Spent a few small advertising campaigns on VK, FB, OK, Ya. Direct, doing SEO-optimization, in General, we try to do everything you need.

Now we are preparing a video about how to use the site, and how it all works. Maybe people just don't understand how to buy EsheDeshe. Reflect on the idea to reduce the number of goods to 30-40 (stepping down from categories), changing them every 2-3 weeks. But, honestly, don't know is whether all of this. In many ways, so writing to you to ask for advice or recommendation, to hear different points of view.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and advice.

P. S. we Have a lot of stranded: a complex system of automatic notifications (more than 30 templates for different scenarios); sly admin panel to handle all applications zakupok; tracking payments; automatic return of collateral; the timeout of the receipt of money using Bank transfer and much, much more. For those who are interested, please write to mailbox@aidem.ru — answer all questions.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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