What are tablets, money, prisons and headphones 36 century?

All we think about, what will the technologies that are developing very quickly. I was thinking about this in the art form and offer your version of events. In these two chapters is described the tablet in the form of a sheet, pikowski (headphones), the financial system of the future (which gives us a sedentary way of life) and a description of the prison of the future.

careful, a lot of letters

Excerpt from my book:


Chapter List


I was looking surly grandfather with a piece of paper. A around have. Every second watching VATI leaves of different sizes. Someone being like crazy, talked to my leaf. And one girl even drove on the empty sheet with your finger. It seemed that she draws. Most of the others were walking down the alley, and she was sitting on the new wooden bench. It was better to choose to talk to her, not a grandfather with signs of senility. Several times I had practiced the question and then walked over to her and sat down.
"Hello," in the Moscow style, singing vowels,
I said.

"Hello," said the girl, glancing at me briefly, and went on with his work.

She took the index finger on a clean piece of cardboard approximately A4 size. A silly exercise to look at a blank piece of paper and stick to your fingers. Maybe here near clinic for the mentally ill?

— Excuse me, what's your name? — from a distance I started.

— Nastya. What do you want? — looking directly in eyes, she asked.

— I came to visit, wanted to know how to get to Red square.

— To pass? She's from here very very far away. Go on foot if they want to earn a fortune coin, but I think it's faster to earn calluses. If you're going to get there, better get that flip. But in General I don't have time now, I now pass stereoscopy. Now, take a sheet, then the map will easily find its area and will cause flip, procuratoria Nastya, giving her the paper to me and pulling out bags new.

Thank You, Nastya. You helped me a lot! I said to the young girl, nodding his head and going in the direction, looking at the pristine sheet. The paper was slightly thicker than conventional sheet on which we write at the office. In the upper right corner was a small round large white pea with a black dot in the middle. The reverse side was no different.

"Country crazy," I thought and walked a decent distance and took the empty bench. Why would this girl gave me a blank piece of paper? Could take a pen and draw a location map. Why they're all surly? And that is for Moscow one where you smell the sea? Maybe I'm in the US, Idaho? There are also Moscow. But why then people speak with this dialect of Moscow and in Russian?


Meanwhile, I turned a leaf in his hands, already guessed that it can be included. At home I had an e-book and, most likely, is its thin counterpart. I pressed a pea in the corner of the sheet, but nothing happened. I folded the paper in half, and even four. He obediently bent, but unusually then dealt, leaving no wrinkles. Some unusual "high-tech"paper. I even tried to poshelestet her, crushing her with all his strength, but the sound was not heard. Passing by me the people looked strange, surprised by my movements. It was interesting to fold the sheet in half — this time from the paper came poselkovymi unusual sound.

To hear him better, I held the piece to his ear and before he could lay a piece of paper drowned in thousand needles. The feeling was similar to what I like served not only the leg but the whole body. To feel so many chills for half a second was unexpected. Leaf ear gently whistled ultrasound as switch on the TV. It took me a couple of seconds to recover and look at the paper.

Just a clean white sheet displayed an image of futuristic buildings in the fog, surrounded by trees. The fog was moving and the trees moving in the wind, giving to understand that the picture is not static. The building was illuminated sign with the words "the ARK". Terribly unusual to see on paper the image with such high resolution and smooth animation. I watched fascinated. It was very strange, because the logs are always visible dots that comprise the image. And everything was like in the video, but just not on the TV screen, but as for quality photos. The image on an entire sheet, leaving even fields.

When I tried to take back the sheet, the picture came to life: the mist intensified and for a few seconds to completely hide the building and trees. The sheet turned white again. I was overwhelmed with emotions. I think I'd feel the same if the pictures on the packaging of milk suddenly stirred and began to run around the bag. Yet people fall into a stupor when faced with unusual properties of ordinary things. Good thing I'm not very impressionable and do not run away, throwing a piece of paper under the bench.

Meanwhile, on the screen appeared the words: "Vladimir, welcome to the Ark. To register you as a new user?". Wow! This piece knows my name! Miracles. Was really wondering where it was that the sheets can guess the name. Had a feeling that this is someone's evil joke. I looked around. No one was watching me, all around hurrying about their business, some walk and some bike. The sun shone brightly, but due to the high humidity sweltering heat was not felt.

I rubbed his hand forehead and then pointed to drawn the button "Register". Gradually appeared the user agreement. I tried to read, but the text was so much, and it was written in obscure legal language, that I quickly abandoned the idea. Flipped through with your finger to the bottom and pressed there the button "I Agree".

From below came the virtual keyboard, and exactly in the middle appeared a search bar where the cursor blinked. The keyboard layout was familiar, but her look surprised very much. The keys were stamped on a sheet of paper, and I haven't had time to notice how it happened. I turned the sheet around and made sure there paper is also deformed. I gently touched the convex buttons that stuck out a millimeter and, in contrast to the white sheet, were black with silver letters. Even on the buttons "A" and "O" was two convex strokes, which are so usual for people who own a blind method of printing.

Another oddity was when I tried the check sheet flexibility. After switching on it was solid as a thin layer of aluminum, the left is still easy. Only four of the area remained soft and easily bent, protecting the wearer from damage. I tried typing on the virtual keyboard and realized that it is very convenient, and it is not so virtual. The keys are even slightly "clicks" when pressed.


I typed on the keyboard "Red square" and pressed "Enter". Keyboard instantly went down, and the animation was not only the graphic: relief keys also went along, completely in sync and very quickly. The screen changed to the video on half the screen. Showed the usual Red square, which was the people. Tourists with cameras. The military guard at the same place at the mausoleum. Even the chimes beat sound familiar to anyone who has ever celebrated the New year in Russia. The text below described the history of red square and was given various other information. I was very surprised the other. Since high school I knew that the area was built in the XV century. And here, in the text, my eye caught that area in the past year 2000 years. My brain refused to consider the difference between the fifteenth century and two thousand. It turned out a lot more than it should be. The subconscious mind already guessed what was the matter, and tried to strike my brain, but he was too busy surging anxiety.
I'm half ago went to bed next to Julia. We put our three-year kid next, and I quietly fell asleep. Woke up in a strange place. Thought it was a bad joke. But now detail became so many and they were so carefully crafted that it becomes like a bad dream. I pinched myself with fresh eyes and began to look around — all converged. I in the future.

— Volodya! Volodya! — shouted running over to me unknown older man.

I automatically turned in his direction and began to dream that a stranger ran long enough to finish the realization that I, apparently, tonight jumped one and a half thousand years. I had to decide now what to do and how to live with it. But I didn't.

— Vova, I've been looking for an hour, happily shouted a man, where did you go?

— Sorry, have we met? I asked, getting up from the bench and making a surprised look.

— Oh! Yes! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the person who will be able to explain. For example, how you got here and why, quickly and efficiently talked to a man in years, wiping sweat with a handkerchief with gray temples and forehead.
— It would be great relief I said, carefully examining his face. Strange, but his appearance was familiar to me. I tried, but could not remember where I could see him. That I often have, considering what a kaleidoscope of individuals goes through me in the showroom. Remember, he had seen a man at all, much easier than to remember where you saw and under what circumstances.

— How did you get out of the apartment? I seem to have blocked the Elevator. Leaped through a window from the third floor? — smiling, asked the old man. I'm only out for three hours — to check how things are going at work.

Is your apartment? — I asked. — Quite pretty, I must say. I just went down on the second lift, which for the machine.

— Ah! Clear. I was too thick to block the second Elevator. Have not ridden my E-shke. More on the public flips on the move.

— Flips? This is a taxi, or what? I asked.

— Hmm. Well, it seems. In your time they were called a cab. And we are just a public car.

— And what do you do? I asked hoping that I will answer.

Cartridge motor show easily said the source.

— I also work in the showroom, I said, feeling a kindred spirit and a bit relaxed. — A patron — what is that position?

— Like what? Main. Commander. Boss.


— Well, Yes, ' said grandfather. — Terminology changes over time.

— Will you cut to the chase? Where I doing here? What is the age and why I suddenly appeared in your apartment? — Volodya, of course, — nodded the old man. — I'll explain everything, just come home with me. I was so hungry, and if you don't eat within fifteen minutes, I will have insulin shock.

"Okay," I said and went in the direction whence came the parallel folding "multimedia list" and removing it in the breast pocket. Sheet is surprisingly easy has developed in three stages in a compact block size with a slim smartphone.

The old man overtook me and, pointing the way, led to move down.

We quickly reached the main entrance to the building on the third floor I woke up a few hours ago. In front was empty, but the Elevator stood open and played music, inviting to enter. We both went and didn't pull the trigger, lift himself made the decision and quickly climbed to the third floor. We were in the familiar corridor with the fluffy white carpet that I was so afraid to dirty his loafers. The old man first came into the apartment, took off his shoes and nimbly, on the move, without stopping, stuck his feet into old leather Slippers and wandered over towards the kitchen, never looking back. Without wasting a second, pulled out from the upper Cabinet for two mugs, set them on the kitchen countertop several times and moved his finger on the piece of paper that was attached to the fridge.
After a moment inside the wall something hissed over the circles, there was a small air valves from which steam came. To the delicious smell of coffee. Only then the old man turned to me and looked straight in the eye. His face seemed familiar again.

— What's your name? — dare to ask me.

(a piece cut)




Knife in right hand cut the meat like butter. The incision was made by the pink juice. Many call this the degree of doneness "meat with blood", but actually it is not blood and delicious meat juice. To lose him in the process of heat treatment — a real crime. That is why the people of the future invented a way to hold it while frying. Vsevolod Vladimirovich was right: the fantastic taste of marbled beef, which was based on chemistry. Crisp gave the impression that the meat removed from the pan a moment ago. The smell was unusually bright and charming.

I ate this delicacy and eagerly watched how quickly it melts in your mouth. But after I felt very full, interest to the meat and food in General began to disappear. It is in this fed as I love to shop for groceries at a supermarket. If I go to the store hungry after work, suddenly, my packages are filled with unnecessary and delicious sweets and processed foods. One day I was so excited that I ran out of money and had to put several expensive products at the cash register, confused looks reproachfully from the long queue.

— You wanted to talk about the coin, ' I said, dojava the last piece.

"Of course," said Vsevolod Vladimirovich drinking a tomato juice, now only will order tea, coffee or hot chocolate. What will you have? I recommend coffee ice cream.

— Rely on your taste.

— Then choose it in your sheet, — said Vsevolod Vladimirovich, helping me to manipulate the device. — Here click here and then here. Click "place order".

I chose a beautiful photo of a large Cup on a short stalk, which on top of the coffee to lay a nice ball of ice cream sprinkled with nuts. Pressed the convex button "place order". On the screen appeared a window with a red border and an exclamation mark. The inscription reads: "Insufficient funds". I was upset and looked at the Vsevolod Vladimirovich with a blank stare.

— Oops, — smiled the old man. — You have a coin over.

— What to do? I asked.

— I promised you a treat. Give me your sheet, I will spread
you three hundred coins in debt.

He put his sheet to mine, and after a few short manipulations on his screen, there are three coins, which he finger moved in my sheet. In the upper right corner near the clock, came the figure of 320. Then I again pressed the button "place order". This time I succeeded. After 5 minutes a beautiful waitress brought on a tray, two identical glasses of coffee with ice cream.

'Why is he in debt? — I smiled. — You told me.

— Look, just because you're out of coin, will help to explain our payment system and the General economy. She seems confused, but eventually you'll realize that everything is very logical and simple.

— Listen carefully, — I said, sipping through a straw hot thick coffee with melted ice cream.

— I have already said that our coin is impossible to lose, steal and give. The social network ensures that everyone earns the money himself. That's why I can't give the food that you eat. I can give you a loan. But the amount of debt may not exceed 2,000 coins.

— Why do I have on the screen figure red?

— Because I gave you a loan. When you'll be earning himself, the debt will be written off automatically. In our time to earn money quite easily. However, to spend too. If you're going to lead a good life and work in my salon, then you have enough for a fairly comfortable existence.
And cash you have?

— No, of course. Rather it would be foolish to carry cash, if absolutely everywhere you can spend a coin. Moreover, their accounting and write-offs occur automatically. It makes a social network. Due to the fact that the social network belongs to no one and does not know how to do issue, that is a trivial printing of empty money, we have no inflation. This ensures the stability of the economy.

— If you do not print money, it is good, — nodded to me.

— The latest crisis, we have been associated with debts. We are very grieved. Ruined whole countries.

— To avoid accumulation of such debts, the network monitors that you could not get in debt to a large amount. Want money — be good and earn. No man on earth has a debt of more than 2000. Everyone can spend only what you can practice.

— How do you earn coin? — with interest I asked.

— Let's conduct an experiment. Go, please, to the pool, and then immediately back. While you're walking, look to your account.

I got up from my seat and walked. The number of coins in the account began to increase — a kind of pedometer. When I got back, the amount increased by 7 coins.


— I think the easiest way of earning money, you understand, — said Vsevolod Vladimirovich, squelching straw in the glass with an almost empty coffee — any physical labor, and health, rewarded Konami. And if in your time people had to force myself to go to the pool, Jogging and exercise and affects their motivation, now everything is easier. Without a healthy lifestyle you will be poor.

— You want to say that on the street so many people who are walking for pleasure, and get paid for it? — I asked in surprise. — And nobody smoke or drink?

— Smoking and binge drinking, we have already won, ' said the old man, — cigarettes have not sold, and the abuse of alcohol you will not even notice how to reset your account. Most interesting is that a small amount of good wine or cognac, even encouraged, as it allows to better health. And people who walk, run and swim in the pool, really earn coin in large quantity.

And exactly who pays you for what you do physical exercise?

— Apparently, the social network is working for our good. It does everything that we was not sick and maintain strong immunity. No one knows why she needs it, but it is. It rewards all that brings us health.

— What happens if I don't do physical exercise and reset your account? I asked.

— People with a zero score, — Vsevolod Vladimirovich has made the most serious face I haven't seen him yet — continue to live as before, but can't buy anything. If you like this try to take someone else, for example, if you buy your food or shelter to spend the night, then your account is debited the double price. And God forbid, you accumulate a debt of more 2000.

— And then what? with great curiosity I asked.

— From the social network in this case, it's not going anywhere. It assigns the worst punishment for a human. And you'd better not to try. One who has experienced it and not gone crazy, thinks he was lucky and since then it sticks like a curse.

And what kind of punishment? Shot? Prison? Eviction.


— You know, the social network came up with a very powerful motivator, and he's scarier than the execution. The man is arranged so that instinctively reaches out to other people. Next to the other, while in "the pride", he feels more confident. Therefore, the vast number of people ever lived on planet Earth, make a long stay alone, weak and vulnerable. It alone was the only, but sufficient punishment for debts of more than 2000

And I sometimes like to be alone, not understanding I said.

— You just haven't tried, like many others, know true loneliness. Since childhood, from birth, we live in a family community. We communicate with our parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, neighborhood children, peers. Also we have a child go to a crèche, a kindergarten, a school that flow smoothly into University and work.

— Let's skip this subject. Me so unbearably painful that I don't know when I'll see Julia and son.

"You see," the old man raised an index finger, you whole day turned out to be without their relatives, and already not himself. And now try to imagine how punishing the social network "Ark" for the debts. You are absolutely one in a small room with a soft, monotonous walls. It is well ventilated, it's warm and comfortable. Monotonous food always in the same place, and it is in excess.

— You have a strange idea of punishment.

— Listen further. You in this small chamber you're in absolute silence. Nobody attends. No TV. No radio. Newspapers and books are missing. The day bed is removed, and you can only stand. The only place where you can catch is a cold metal bowl. On the floor in one place for a simple treadmill with a small display which shows you your account.

— You are describing some kind of fantasy, — I smiled.

— If, — nodded the man continued. — To get onto that treadmill to earn those 7 coins that you earned, after going to the pool and back, you need to run monotone, looking at the plain wall in front of the eyes, the whole day. And the worst thing is that the stay in this solitary confinement with you charged 3 koina. And for the shower, which is located directly at the camera, removed 1 coin.

— So to make up for the debt of 300 coins, you have literally like a squirrel in a wheel to run on this "conveyor belt" for about 6 months.

Yeah. Your network is very cruel.

— Volodya, I don't even know what to tell you about that. Given the many ways to make coin, I would not agree with you. Very few people XXXV century go to prison. And, moreover, very few of those who decided to relapse. You just watch your bill, manage to earn and less waste. It's a lot easier than it seems. Most people do not even think about the money, as the sheet warns about the danger of becoming poor in advance.

— A prison sheet leave?

— No, of course. I said no books, no Newspapers, no. Ah! I forgot you're from the twenty-first century. We have books and Newspapers are published only for the sheet. Other ways to read there. When you examine all the features of this useful device, you'll see all its advantages over paper.

— And where were these sheets? I asked, trying to change the subject to more enjoyable.

— No one really knows. Of rumors more than a hundred, and can not figure out which one was true. Just know that these sheets around very much and to lose them is impossible. Here we have large sheets, small, and even entire notebooks, and scrapbooks. Leaves are free and widespread. We find them not think the same way as in your time thought about pens and pencils.

I noticed that when I take someone else's piece, it becomes mine and reflects what I have done before.

— In this and convenience. You have probably never tried to work with different sizes. It is sometimes convenient to place in front of two or three sheets around, and the fourth put in front of him as a keyboard and trackpad. The leaves themselves are able to adapt to your needs.

— And the books you like reading?

Well, the most convenient way is to take a Notepad and look through. It is not so convenient to carry and not so comfortable to speak with it by phone, but those who read a lot, prefer this form factor.
— By the way about the phone. You talked about what "bukowsko"? I asked.

— Ah! I had forgotten, laughed the old man, is not a "Bukowski" is pikowski. "Pico" is about their size. They have virtually everyone. This is a special and very small devices that need to be put in the ear. They're like nanobots are moved to the tympanic membrane and attach themselves to the wall of the ear ecopassage.

Robots in the ears? — I was surprised. — And why are they needed?


— They are very small, — explained to patient man — they have the thinnest long sting, which they pierce the nearest blood vessel, and it eat so that work forever. People do not feel.

Wow gnats, ' I said, scratching his ear on the inside. And you voluntarily throw them out there and not afraid of hearing loss?

— You look on. Just one of their functions consists in hearing loss.

— Excuse me, are you crazy? Why do you dream about hearing loss?

I will continue, smiled Vsevolod Vladimirovich. — If the sheet to include a special option, and it is enabled by a single gesture, the sound of the surrounding world fades. And you can adjust the ambient sound volume.

— Ahem. How does it work?

— Telling. In the ear is about five or six bugs. Some of them work as microphones, and other special rocking a mustache your membrane. Thus, they can make you feel of the sound. Sheet communicate with them and may take from them the sound and send the music or speech.

And you can't feel them in your ear? — I was surprised.

— Well, you for example, feel the hairs in your ear canal? — asked the old man.

— Never felt.

— Well. And these pikowski because so called, which is very small.

How do they silence? I asked.

I thought you would find out, — said Vsevolod Vladimirovich. The bug, which receives the sound inlet of the ear, passes it to the beetles, which are responsible for the movement of the eardrum. They copy the sound and power out of phase, which dampens the sound almost completely.


— And why is it necessary?

— It is clear. You must never rested in complete silence. Can you imagine how many conflicts with neighbors extinguished with the help of squelch. After all, you can customize the worksheet to accept the vote only to those people who are near you. And in a noisy Department store calmly talking to his wife without a headache. When you're on the phone, other sounds are automatically suppressed.

— Can I try? — I asked. — And what to do if you do not like foreign objects in your ear?

— On the worksheet, click the decontamination of bugs, and they, tucking in his legs with ecopassage, remove the sting and fall out of the ear when shaking.

Vsevolod Vladimirovich tilted his head to the side and shook his head, knocking himself on the right ear with the palm. It looked comical, like he was floating in the water with his head, and now beat drops out of your ears.

— The main purpose of these bugs, voice control sheet, — continued the old man. — You can give him commands, he understands everything.

— Can he answer that?

— Of course. After talking with him, you'll get used to the fact that you have an understanding friend is a know-it-all. He can answer you almost any question.

— Wonders! No wonder you developed these 1500 years, ' I said admiringly, and looked around.

Yeah. Thank you. Tried, smiled Vsevolod Vladimirovich.

The continuation can be read 60 pages in PDF (or 120 page online) wezel.ru


You can download the book in all formats or read directly on the website. Is distributed freely. Reviews on the same site.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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