Views on Zend PHP Certification

About what a Zend Certified PHP Engineer (ZCE) and how to prepare for it were enough articles. I will describe my opinion about ZCE (PHP 5.5) and its process of preparation per week (subject to my five-year experience of practical development).

Views on ZCE

By itself, the certification, in General (except for a few issues), checks how learned was the official documentation of PHP. You may stumble across a few practical questions, and questions on knowledge of patterns (I got about the Registry and its applicability), that a little happy.

Process training

In the preparation process most of the time I spent reading official documentation and she helped to identify answers to tricky questions.

On hand also were the book Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide second edition PHP 5.3. Having looked through it, refresh your memory information on some rarely used methods. For testing practices used and


About a month after the exam in my mailbox proved to be a solid envelope from the city of Cupertino, California. In the envelope was manual, a certificate and a blue sticker.

The main reasons for the exam were: curiosity, testing their strength and complexity of the exam. This is all I got. The test seemed not difficult. Also, for no apparent reason, after the exam within six months was received an invitation for an interview from New Zealand and Germany. Apparently the presence of ZCE "they" has some weight. However, we have when applying for a job would be a plus to have a blue icon ZEND'a.


Should I take?

In my opinion, the beginner will be useful preparation for ZCE as a means of motivation and as follow-up selection criteria when applying for work, and confident in their knowledge and experience – as a self-test. For quick and effective preparation can you recommend working in pairs or take advantage of the mentoring of experienced people, such as Lorna Jane Mitchell or Lukyanchikov Alexandr.

Yes, I almost forgot, among other things, gave Zend a perpetual license for Zend Studio Was posted in directory passed the exam (yellow pages) and the opportunity to join the closed group LinkedIn (Zend Certified Engineers).
Article based on information from


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