The theme for night reading Habrahabr

Good afternoon, Gabrieli!
For a long time I was worried about the problem of the night reading habrahabr: I interfered with his wife to sleep, and my eyes tire quickly in the dark to read white website. I made several attempts to create a night dark theme for habrahabr and it performed its function, but was not of sufficient quality in order to give to it in sharing — after all, the layout of the site was very conservative and resisted neat restyling.

With the release of the new version of the design habrahabr layout of the website has become more progressive and simple, and I decided that this is the right time to implement long-planned.

The process involved the user extempl, and for two we turned out quite suitable for use night theme, source code of which is published on Github, and the published and periodically updated to the latest version from the repository.

The main feature of the theme can be considered a fashionable use css filters to reduce the contrast of the images and videos. The original image is displayed when you hover over it the mouse cursor. It is convenient and beautiful. Now the day enjoy this theme!

The theme can be installed in most current browsers, using the extension Stylish. To install using Stylish simply go to the page indicated above on then press the large attractive button.

I invite you to use it. If you find you have gaps or you have ideas for improvements — I'm waiting for your pull-request's on Github!

UPD: style is updated for correct display of icons in Firefox and Opera. Update set the style to be exactly the same as you usynovili — page style.

UPD2: unfortunately, users of Firefox (and probably Opera <=12.*) still can't see the effect of css filters.

UPD3: the style updated again, update under the updated layout plus support geektimes. Important: remove all transition and css filters, because they led to frequent errors of the rendering, making use of userstyles impossible.

UPD4: over time the layout Habra and his side projects evolyutsioniruet and getting better, that can not but rejoice.
Updating the new items added and megamind. Soon I will add tmfeed.
Pleasant — returned filters and transition — eyes thank you.

UPD5: Thanks to the work extempl the style has been ported to Stylus, along the way fixed a lot of stocks — update and join the improvement!
Article based on information from


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