The Release Of MooTools 1.5


Mootools has long been an integral part of a client-side JavaScript on Habrahabr. It was sad to watch the demise of creation Valerio Proietti. Since may 2013 entry on the blog is practically not added...

But this morning, the mootools team has issued another release and added a hint of optimism in the hearts of lovers of this framework.

The developers of mootools call it a big bug-fix release, about 240. to support new browsers and new capabilities of the JavaScript language. The team spent a lot of time to create testing tools and integration with the platform Travis CI. In the future this will help to make releases of new versions of mootools is much faster.

What has changed in MooTools 1.5?



  • Swiff moved from Core to More
  • the
  • Many of the properties in the class Browser moved into the category of deprecated (obsolete), to determine the browser user-agent Browser method appeared.parseUA
  • the
  • Added support for IE11. (In compatibility mode takes the value undefined but the framework continues to operate)
  • the
  • Large amount of work done on the creation of unit tests and integration with Travis CI. It is now possible to run and test locally on the browser of your computer
  • the
  • Increased the speed of the control Element classes (this involved the classList API available in new versions of browsers)
  • the
  • Element class added method appendHTML
  • the
  • class Fx added Fx method.isPaused()
  • the
  • support for String.contains the specification of ES6
  • the
  • the getStyle() Method by default uses getComputedStyle
  • the
  • Now the framework Belitsa Grunt



  • Spinner support WAI-ARIA
  • the
  • Form Validator now uses event delegation to watch inputs and whatnot
  • the
  • a New method in the Array.Extras: Array.pluck
  • the
  • a New event, move the Slider class
  • the
  • Numerous updates to language files
  • the
  • Added support for: keys(+) to the Element.Event.Pseudos.Keys
  • an
  • Dependency of Core class flags class Browser has been removed
  • the
  • New infrastructure for testing: Grunt-Karma-Jasmine, Travis CI and Saucelabs

Updated documentation to MooTools 1.5
Download MooTools 1.5
Article based on information from


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