The inefficiency of the rating system or train of thought of abrowser

Hello, inhabitants of the self-regulatory community.

Treat it so, because I want to raise the perennial question about prasadini rating system habré. Describe a brief scenario.

1. A user publishes an interesting topic, which involves a heated discussion.
2. User number 2 leaves a sensible comment on the subject, which is liked by many.
3. User number 3 with it categorically do not agree. The indignation he expresses a counter comment.
4. Begins long branch regular small talk or holivar.
5. User No. 2, vehemently supported by public ogrebaet pros User No. 3, respectively cons.
6. The atmosphere is warming, the intrigue of the question does not let the afflicted. The dialogue is escalating together with the range of estimates of participants in the dialogue. Among zadluzonych reviews of people's favorite can not see the speeches of his opponent. Community members seem to have already faded and not read reviews, because not seen. But it is my duty to finish the lame and hold of the winner. So happens.

Familiar? This whole Habr. But I'm a little on the other. Why do stones beaten commentator karma fell from +14 to -18(any coincidence with the random numbers, the characters are fictional)? Yes, if it the last moodeccentric in the topic of discussion. What's his main piskomerka, which allows him to write? Well, the man said nonsense, well expressed disagreement in the topic. That's nice. Why spoil next? Go to your profile like humiliated you see the sad rating, the inability of the author to post new topics. And a lot of already written topics that have a very high rating. And here for half a day he didn't. And then someone surprised low quality content on habré.

No, the heart of the Pope not me knocking. I went through it. Passed many. What is the end? People just refrain from commenting. Or get the virtuals to Express their own opinion without fear. But mainly Akka quietly writing topics. Any member of the community is somewhere not right. But I always thought that karma is not a thing that was fun to drive in different directions or to throw out his fag in there. It's just a checkmark that you put to mark the right person habré or not. And even if someone said "Linux is a bad OS". Does this mean that it is necessary to drive in the red? Maybe. But soon the topic of discussion. Not a slap in the face.

I have it all.

PY.Sy. Theme sucked utterly. But if something will tell?
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