"Superluminal neutrinos" are seen in the summary of the movements of the GPS

do you Remember how about three weeks ago neutrinos moving from Geneva to a Laboratory in Gran Sasso in Italy, arrived about sixty nanoseconds faster than the speed of light? That was weird. However, the fourteenth of Ronald van Elburg (Ronald van Elburg) from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, it seems, cracked this phenomenon. His group of scientists calculated the distance between two points the path of the neutrinos, and then took into account the relativistic motion of the GPS satellites involved in the experiment.
Although the speed of light does not depend on the reference system, depends on it. In this case there are two reference frames: ground-based experiment and the clock in orbit. And as these systems move relative to each other, then their movement should be considered.

/ > But what is the movement of satellites relative to the OPERA experiment? The spacecraft move from West to East in a plane inclined at 55° relative to the Equatorial. Importantly, approximately in the same plane lies the path traversed by neutrinos. So that a reciprocal motion is simple to calculate.

So, from the point of view of clocks on Board the GPS satellite, the position of the neutrino source and of the receiver changes. "From the point of view of hours, the receiver moving towards the source, therefore, traveled by the particle distance observed for hours — in short," says van Elburg.

(He has in mind — shorter than the distance measured in the ground reference frame.)

A group of scientists OPERA misses it, as regards watch as terrestrial, not orbital.

How significant is this effect? In the calculations van Elburg, it must call the arrival of neutrinos at 32 nanoseconds early. But this value should be doubled, since this error occurs in the initial and end point of the experiment. The total correction is 64 nanoseconds, almost exactly matching the observations of the group OPERA.

Cool! Great result, van Elburg!

(from "Technology Review")
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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