ХабраReader — read-RSS-feeds

Main windowI Present to Your attention ХабраReader!
ХабраReader is a RSS reader that ustanavlivaetsya on the user's computer, allows you to read RSS feeds and has additional capabilities. For example, the formation of your own feeds using search engines for different data type.
With the help of it you can get interested in the materials immediately after the publication in the source.

ХабраReader has a built-in directory haberland:
All screenshots are clickable
Select haberland

By default, the user will be subscribed to the main feed "Saharienne" from the main page. Also added strips of "Collective blogging", "Personal blogs", "Podcasts", "jobs", "live", "Popular in the last 24 hours."

You can go to the catalog tapes subscriptions and mark the correct tape. You can also add the URL of any tape chabry, and not only...

ХабраReader allows you to create a custom ribbon. For this you need to choose the type of data to search (news, blogs, videos, jobs, images, podcasts) then type keywords and choose the search engine which will search.

Data type selection:

Select data type

Enter a query and select the search engines:

Enter search query

Because ХабраReader works with RSS, so it added those search engines that give search results in RSS format.

You can add search Habrahabr, but, unfortunately, in his search Habr uses Windows-1251 charset, and the reader need UTF-8. So don't scold :)

ХабраReader generates a search result in a separate feed that will be updated regularly.

Here are the result search of videos on demand "Habrahabr"

Result :D

Video, audio and photos can look.

Also with this program you can play podcasts:

View post Listening to podcast

You can set the update time information, from several hours to 15 minutes.

Upon receiving fresh information, the program will display the notification window:

notification Window

For a more enjoyable work ХабраReader include online radio.

Download ХабраReader!

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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