Promotion in social networks. Part 1 — Facebook and how things work around here?

As a rule, mention about advertising Vkontakte on open spaces Habra-related fun, and sometimes very profitable bugs (for example, here you can read about how VC has allowed users to remove the free advertising with pay per click; this bug, by the way, still not fixed).


Often many programmers appear in the comments to the posts with the "revelations" creepy smikov that charge exorbitant money for setting up the ad, without giving any guarantees. For example, in this publication, which was the main motivation for writing this series, dear Drizzly claims that:
it is Very illogical targeting to sell for an additional price. On the contrary, you need to motivate advertisers to actively use the tools and socdem geo targeting and how to better tailor their ads to the target audience. In this case, benefit all three parties — with the above conversion, site more free space, less smeared on the topics of Reklaw, higher the CTR, the user receives advertisements relevant to his interest. Sell targeting — it is madness.

Being the person who sells the targeting options and services to promote in Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and a little SEO, I completely I agree. Moreover, I am sure that it is available absolutely anyone who has even a small analytical abilities. And if you have it (since I read the Habr, it is likely there are), welcome under kat. Perhaps one day you will need to advertise in social networks, or, at least, to assess the adequacy of work someone will ask you for the setup money. And I sincerely hope that you'll appreciate this series of publications. So there you go!

Despite all my desire and impulses, I realized that it was impossible to cram 5 years of experience in one post, so in order to protect themselves from hours of longride, I tried to split the cycle into several logically completed blocks, the first of which I will talk about the structure of the ad office of the VC, the characteristics of the ads and pricing.

As I mentioned above, the impetus for writing this article was here this publication on habré. Or rather not even the publication, and the fact that since its release it has been more than 5 years, and many clichés and sit in the old place.
For example, the author says,
the more targeting options used, the more expensive it becomes click; Despite the low minimum CPC for the entire system, it is recommended to always price several times higher. To bet below the recommended makes no sense — impressions. In addition, during the campaign the recommended price tends to rise.

All of the above is total nonsense. Before you go any further, I would note that very often NEED to bid BELOW the recommended. Moreover, in Facebook, it is MUCH better to use the pay-per-impression (cpm) and not per click (cpc). And of course, the more precise you will set up the advertising, the cheaper and more effective it will be.

Before we go any further – I suggest you a small dose of literacy:
  • Targeted advertising is the possibility of Contact, which allows you to create text and graphic ads to display pre-selected target audience ( from the English. target — target, target).
  • the
  • Success of advertising campaigns depends on 3 major factors: a correctly selected target audience, well prepared pitch (whether it's in the VC community, external website, application or video) and effective ad.
  • the
  • in order to efficiently select a target audience, you need to make the most detailed portrait of the client.
    The more accurate your portrait, the easier it will be to catch the right customer with the help of ads and platforms.
  • Segment your target audience. Very often it makes sense to make different ads for different groups, sometimes under a specific group to create new landing pages. The more detailed you get to the selection process of the target audience, the more successful your project. And it's not just about advertising in the VC.

In order to get to the ad account (if you have never done), you must go at


I don't understand why VC have thrown here, so many extra buttons, by and large, you'll need Targeted ads and Promotional recordings in communities (if you want to buy promopost to other communities through the exchange of VK). As a rule, trenirovochnye ads are much more effective compared to the placement of the records, so in this opus, we will focus on them.

Contact offers to advertise Community Entry in the Community App Vkontakte, Video, Mobile app or External website. Frankly, for many years I was under the impression that if this list is to throw out options App VK, Video and Mobile app – nothing will change.

As you may have guessed, we will focus on the Community tab, the entry in the Community and External website. Vkontakte there is no difference, you merge traffic to the internal pages of the VC, or an external site, especially in pricing do not exist, but communities there are some additional ad formats.

If we're going to promote community, select it from the list of communities to which we signed, and to determine the format of the advertisement.


Due to the fact that the VC will soon release a new redesign, the requirements for images have changed a little, however, all other settings remained the same.

For communities VC offers 5 choices of ads:
  • Image and text – 25 characters in the title, the picture 180 to 130, 60 in the description under the picture.
  • the
  • the Big picture – 25 characters in the title, the picture is 180 to 240.
  • the
  • Exclusive format: 25 characters in the title, the picture 90 to 160 (when the redesign will roll out to all – this format will disappear).
  • the
  • Promotion of community – 25 characters in the title, the picture is 180 x 180
  • the
  • Special – the picture is 256 by 256, and dunno how many characters in the description.

Tezisno about each format:

Image and text – as a rule, ineffective. Despite the extra space under the text surrounded by large images, this format plays in most cases.

The big picture is one of the most important formats. Those side rectangles that appear in the left column of the user contact, ignoring the emergence of the plugins, like Won. life hacking! Very often, headlines with a question are much more clickable than approval. Besides, sometimes it's great to add some bright stripes in the lower part of the picture along with a short explanation/question/appeal. The combination of will be much more efficient format Image and text.

Exclusive format and it will cease to exist. And it is not in vain. Given that the cost of advertising in 2 times above, use this format almost always inappropriate. There are exceptions, but rarely. Very rarely.

Promotion of communities of 25 characters in the header are loaded from the description of your community. The Subscribe button is under the picture could give more conversion. But it does not. Again, the Big picture is often more effective. life hacking! the Only way to change the title name in this format – to change the name of the public at the time of launch of the advertisement. After you submit for moderation the name of the public can be returned.
Special format – for him it is a just a hack from the previous section. Unlike all the previous formats, a specific format is not in the side column, and straight into a user's feed in the Recommended section of the community.


This format has a MUCH higher recommended rate and a final price, but the ratio of people that actually click and join the community, as a rule, much higher than in competitive formats. At the same time, these ads turned off much slower, therefore, the promotion of communities, I usually used a bunch of Large images and format.

And finally we got to the key settings – the settings of the target audience.


It should be noted that different audience has its price depending on the level of competition. For example, girls between 22 and 30 years will be worth a lot more girls under 18 in mind the solvency, income, lifestyle and many other factors. At the same time, the average resident of Moscow pours much more advertising than conditional Vasya from a small Siberian village.

This means that when specifying the target audience, it is necessary to segment the audience by geo-Polo-effects of age. It makes sense to duplicate the ad for each segment, even if you are setting up is for all residents of any age. At least, it is necessary to distinguish residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg in a separate group (as recommended by rate on the inhabitants of these cities is much higher), sharing with the audience the female and male sex. Other ads show to all, except residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, also divided by gender.

If you want to save even more, definitely should be added by age group. The ad with the same picture and caption can have more than 10 different geo-gender and age groups: women 18 to 24 from Sochi, women 24 to 28 of Sochi, men from 18 to 24 from the city of blablabla and so on. Thus, you will be able to choose the most optimal rate for each segment, saving the lion's share of the budget.

Next follows the block with the settings of interest. Item Interest is what the user indicates in their profile. Product Category of Interest is the fact that the user identifies the Contact, depending on his behavior. Grandpa always told me "Always judge people on deeds, not words." This principle should be applied here. Interests filled in by the user, are of no value to the advertiser, as often do not reflect reality. At the same time, interest Categories can sometimes give a very interesting exhaust. However, you can leave these fields blank.

The VC gives us the option to specify the community subscribed to our target audience, as well as applications that she installed. The more precisely you can identify your customers, the more effective will be your advertising.

Item world is not carries absolutely no value, ignore it.

The checkbox with the city to collect people, sloveniaas from different countries. Or use a VPN.

Section the Education and work can sometimes be useful (when it comes to education). However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that many users often fill in these fields is inadequate.

The additional parameters contain information about the retargeting groups, the devices from which logs the user and browsers. The last two all it is clear (sometimes you can pour is for iPhone users with the hypothesis that they are more solvent, although not always this is true), but if I start more paint on the bases retargeting – this post will never end. So learn more about all the features retarget we will discuss in subsequent publications, and yet the final etude: rate.
Probably in 90 percent of cases, it is much better to use a system of payment for IMPRESSIONS, not clicks. When properly selected audience, this approach gives a much better result. For example, for my current task, the VC offers to pay for 38 rubles per click, while when you pay for impressions, the final cost comes out to 4-5 rubles.

When you use format (the same that goes to the ribbon user) it makes sense to put the Recommended price, as the ads turned off rather slowly and reluctantly. At the same time, on other formats, it makes sense to put much lower price, raising it gradually, as the reduction of the ratio of impressions and coverage. So, at a recommended price of 10 rubles per 1000 impressions, you may have quite a lot of cheap clicks and at a price of 1-2 of the ruble. At a time when the cost begins to rise, the price can be gradually increased, watching the continuing growth of coverage. This is perhaps the most difficult moment that comes with experience, but the key message is that in most cases, it is necessary to set a lower rate than recommended by the system.

Besides, there are several interesting programs for the automatic control of the rate using algorithms based on neural networks, but we'll discuss this another time.

Tick to limit to 100 impressions per person is always cecati.

Let me remind you, all this time it was about the promotion of communities. Advertising a web site is no different from these settings except that the site is not available the Format and Promotion of communities. About the promotion Posts, I too, someday will tell you.

I will be glad to any criticism and comments. If you believe that further publications on this subject would be suitable for your taste, please give me know. If you think that there is – in any case, be SURE to let me know! =)

And yet, if you happen to be in marketing and you don't mind periodically receive a small note about Internet promotion, including white/grey and sometimes black hat (very rare and few), as well as various "memoirs" on the promotion of projects on Kickstarter, or earning a few thousand per night for a shooting c posts I just went ahead and created cozy tube channel telegram, which is now just 2 people, but no, and never will be no bad publicity. You can subscribe and keep up, and may not subscribe to cast a minus karma for Unobtrusive, but advertising, and also to be great.

Now, we can only wish you a good day, and go to sleep. 4:06 am in the court.
Article based on information from


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