PPC – now Pay Per Call

Often, when looking for solving the problem, it after a while "magically" will find you, even when active search is completed long ago. My main customers have a large number of clients (real estate, cars) from their sites, so they each call or letter is really important. Calls are the key factor of a successful advertising campaign, because "catch" the buyer during the telephone conversation is easier than using the application on the website, even a very high quality direct mailing or other feedback options.

One of the challenges was finding a tool that would allow us to manage your advertising campaign so that bet was made specifically to receive calls and transparent assessment of their quality. In the end, one of the authors of such a service came to me. We are still at the stage of studying of service and the contract, but you can not share the overview and specific example of the results of the real estate sector.

In fact, MarketCall.ru is the affiliate program. Webmasters place advertisements on their resources and earn money for target calls. Analogues in Runet I found, but in Western markets already have representatives: RingPatner, Invoca (and here the video you can see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLQwNQFnN1OV1ACnlXICPKw) and CallMarketPlace.

According to the representative of service, the total capitalization of the Western market Pay Per Call is calculated in billion$. Probably with time we'll come to that, given that MarketCall works all year and is already out "in plus".

In service two types of users – webmasters and advertisers. Look at each of them.



Steps to work with the campaign:

    Conclude an agreement, where the parameters of the target call and the cost (duration, time of day, etc.) the

  • Provide promotional materials in the form of landing pages, banners, textual-graphical blocks, xml feeds and key phrases to our partners was high-quality materials for the job
  • the
  • Start
  • the
  • Listening calls, received from web-masters
  • the
  • Approve or reject a call (looking ahead, there is an internal system of dispute resolution + anti-fraud)
  • the
  • Timely replenish the personal account balance within the system

At the time of starting webmasters are acquainted with the offer of the advertiser (the offer) and set to work creating the program. The program is a snap rented the webmaster of rooms to the number of the advertiser. In the end all the calls, which have attracted the webmaster, will be displayed in the system. The main selection criteria of the offer a partner are: EPCw (the ratio of the total number of calls per month to the sum of the earnings of webmasters in 10 work days) percentage approved (key) calls, the value of the target call and the time at which the advertiser is ready to receive calls.

Sees the Web master offer in the system MarketCall:

Advertisers in your personal account, can listen to calls, analyze at what time call most often how much money was realized for a set time. In General, this is exactly what I was looking for.

Statistics of calls to LK the Advertiser:

Statistics for hours per day, days of week and duration of the call in LK the Advertiser:



Web masters, the system provides a module rent rooms, Call-Tracking, widgets, callback, recording phone conversations, designers to generate adaptive single-page landing pages – i.e. the minimum set for semi-automatic creation of advertising campaigns.
The display of the widget callback technology MarketCall on a typical landing page:

The webmaster can put a widget callback to their resources using Html code:

The web master has the possibility to rent the flagship rooms in the zones 495, 499, 812 (St. Petersburg), 8 800 for a small rental fee. There is also the opportunity to take free rooms 958:

The Web Master in his personal account it is possible to analyze conversion rate and profit:

With settings and features, I think it's clear, so here is the promised example with pictures.


Example from the authors ' results

Client is a major developer of residential complexes in Moscow and the Moscow region close to Moscow. Offer on the residential complex of economy class was launched in the end of July and still successfully advertised.

With CPA networks and lead generation, the client had not previously encountered. Naturally attracted payment only for target calls from potential customers. While branding in the form of traffic, additional landing pages, banners on thematic portals, he got a bonus. The customer agrees to pay for the call 1 800 rubles (according to my data the average cost of a call nedvizhki in all advertising channels from 2 500 rubles to 15 000 rubles).

One point in attracting traffic to the web master – he evaluates the profitability of a channel for attracting and, in the case of positive testing, scales the source. Ie buying the position of the banner on the thematic portal, web master provides landing traffic, for which the customer does not pay. But in case of receiving calls from this channel the advertiser is willing to pay for calls.

Target parameters were the following:

    the Duration must be at least 60 seconds. This is due to the presence of voice greetings and good call handling by Call centre staff. The Manager at the other end of the wire is enough 30 seconds to obtain the necessary information to the potential client. the

  • you may call Monday through Sunday, from 09:00 to 21:00 in accordance with the mode of operation of the sales Department.
  • the
  • In the process of the conversation should be made in consultation with the sales Department. The client must state the name of the LCD and to show interest in buying an apartment. It was a direct requirement of the Advertiser stated in the rules of the Offer.

Types of call options regulated system, the advertiser simply chose the acceptable values are:

Khold is a period when the advertiser can reject the call, stating the reason.

Before the launch of the Offer, the developer got a good creatives. On banners of various sizes has been allocated a place for the phone number, and depending on the webmaster, who is working with Offer, the system replaces the number on the right.

Example of a banner for the Offer:

In addition to the banners was agreed upon a number of other promotional materials (landing pages, teaser blocks, etc). Basically negotiated the price of apartments, the actual loyalty program developer, the availability of mortgage programs, installments, and features of the infrastructure and of the image used in the advertising campaign webmasters.

Agreed TGB materials (text and graphic unit) for offers:

This preparatory work with Offer ended. Webmasters opened access to it, and some time later, the client began to receive calls.

For the first month (August) the client has received 370 calls, of which 162 were recognized as target
Call statistics for August on Offer in the personal account of the Advertiser:

As you can see from the screenshot, the client is readily confirmed calls of those that fall in hold, i.e., all pass filters, and thus potentially target.

There is an interesting point: if you pay attention to the attitude of inappropriate calls to the General number, you will notice that the "Processed" Status there were 18 calls.

This means that people called in after hours sales. The main causes of such calls:
  • activity advertising campaign webmasters in the off time of the Offer;
  • the
  • using the Web-master boards, where the Declaration is spinning 24 hours a day;
  • the
  • the caller did not pay attention to the mode of operation of the sales Department

If the Web master finds that the destination call has not been confirmed or do not agree with the rejection, he may appeal (in the example 2 days). This feature is enjoyed remarkable popularity.

An example of how the webmaster challenged the decision of the advertiser in its favor:

In the MarketCall functionality includes anti-fraud system that allows you to weed out the stranded calls. Anti-fraud found during this period, 9 stranded calls, they all came from one partner, which was successfully banned from the freezing of all his funds. The client the money, of course, returned.

Some of the principles of Anti-fraud
  • From the same number received calls on several Offers with a big difference by price, class and geography.
  • the
  • One and the same person is different names.
  • the
  • Calls from similar numbers. When the thread calls the difference in numbers is one or two digits and calls a lot from one partner, it is likely that these rooms were purchased at the same time.
  • the
  • Detection of incentivised traffic. Hiring people to make calls for a fee.
  • the
  • Detection of deliberate undervaluation in the advertising campaign of the Web master.
  • the
  • High conversion. Suspicious Web masters are those who have a CR higher than 35%.

Also recorded and are not paid calls with a status of "non-Unique". This means that the user has repeatedly called on the Offer, and his first potentially target treatment already has the status hold, or the call has already been confirmed.

At the client's request, we analyzed the sources of calls to our partners and found out that most of the calls attracted with contextual advertising Yandex and Google (47%). Average ROI partner was 250%, more on this story in another material. In the second place the boards (38%, most often it is Avito, CIAN and Yandex.The estate). Social networks lit up, but only slightly – only 9%.

Data were collected by requesting advertising materials from the partners who have worked with Offer in August. The types used by traffic partners show themselves.

Each line is a program created with the specified sources of calls:

The result for the month of MarketCall attracted to the client 162 targeted treatment for the purchase of the apartment.

We wondered how adevertising those calls further down the funnel. We asked the client the results of his work in August. Typically, developers do not share such information, but in our case the exception was made. We received information that 75,9% of the calls people with our advertising partners picked up when re-rung by the developer. Took place on 22 showings that approximately 13.5% of the number of purchased calls.

Since the start of the Offer period, the Advertiser saw a significant advantage of the system, increased the list of Offers to 10 positions. A satisfied customer means we're doing something right.

Currently already optimized your company's activities out of sales of cars and real estate, and healthcare. In test mode running the Offer of providing legal advice.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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