Plug-in fonts faster

Greetings to all.
Not more than 3 months ago, I wrote about your idea to make a convenient site, easy selection of fonts and the same convenient connection.
Then managed to collect about two dozen fonts, some even dismiss, because they were paid and put all shared a kind of hope that someone besides me will find it useful.
About a month and a half, I looked carefully at the statistics. And it showed that the website began to use it.
In the end, I moved the website on a separate domain and began to fill up the font.
What we have now.



    Since moving to its own domain(August 28), the site was visited a little more than two thousand people. the

  • Managed to identify half a dozen sites that pull directly fonts
  • the
  • Nearly 430 times downloaded fonts(the most popular — Cuprum)
  • the
  • has Sent about a dozen fonts, but almost all was paid. However, I want to Express my gratitude for the activity.
  • the
  • On the website wrote two comments, the one with the problem and the second recommendation.
  • the
  • Tweeted website 9 times :)
  • the
  • Comments and posts on habré is not considered.

And all this time growing reference weight.

I must say that I didn't really expect website someone will need and made it literally at the knee, not really thinking about the usability. And the problem was obvious.
Since mid-September I went after his rework and is now ready to present you with a fresh version of the site —


Some cataloging

Now all the fonts are separated alphabetically and by type(serif\no, handwritten, monospaced, decorative)

Added fonts

At the time of writing, the site has 51 font-family in ~150 faces. Some more fonts waiting in the wings.
Just want to ask everyone not to be shy and dig in their bins. May you have a good free font submit it on WebFont, help the common cause ;)

traffic Reduction

More or less optimized results fonts for viewing. The user will not waddle huge css with inserts in base64.
Fonts compressed with gzip and a cache is configured. This is not going to stop and we will continue to work on optimizing load\load. Digging there is much more.


As of fonts was larger than 10 or 20, the snippets that have been written to automate, to use became impossible. At the turn, fell out of more than 100 lines of code.
The issue was resolved — were written a plugin for Sublime Text 2. It is when you first start it loads the whole font list and displays a window like this:

When you click on a line with the name of the font on the current page inserts a row with the import and set font-family for this font. At the top of the window there is a line "*to refresh the list of fonts." Click on it, for a split second and the entire list will refresh and you will have the current version of all fonts site. Because the fonts do not appear every 10 minutes, we decided to stay on this implementation.
From day to day the plugin should appear in Package Control.
Plugin for a site written by Alexander Solodovnikov (dbc2h). For what it huge gratitude :)
For NotePad++ didn't do anything yet, sorry.

In addition, was written and presented habré single userscript working with fonts from WebFont. Soon, we together with the author finished it, and it will serve as a tool for the selection of fonts on any site.


As already mentioned above, from the site, despite my warnings, started to pull fonts directly. Consequently, the load on hosting increased. It was something to think about. Decided to contact your host, which I already sit for four years, and ask for a little space and memory and other things. Unexpectedly, quickly got approval to support the project.

This is all about innovations.
The site works, fonts replenished, use them.
There account on Twitter. I was chosen as the platform for a news site, it will appear there now, all news, announcements, and more.


Very thank my teammates and our colleagues: Alexriz, sigma77, Svatov for advice, assistance, guidance and feedback. And those who were indifferent to the project, writing articles in their blogs, calling the website a similar google/webfonts, talked about the support of domestic producers — you are an inspiration! :)

Colleagues are asked to Express their views, wishes, errors, inaccuracies, suggestions, bugs.
The task is to make the most convenient service connect\web fonts.

Thank you for your attention.

upd will take place on 24.10.12 Plugin is available in Package Control. To search by name — WebFont.
upd 22.11.12 page Vkontakte —
Article based on information from


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