Petcube is a gadget for Pets

Hello, my name is Alexander Nesin. I live in Kiev, work in the IT sector and engaged in robotics. In this post I will tell you how pretty innocent fun with the Arduino has turned into a promising project. Oh Yes, this is called Petcube – a robot that will allow your Pets to forget about loneliness and depression in those moments while you are not home.



the Idea

I live with my girlfriend, we also have permanent night and day dog rocky. Not so long ago we moved into a new apartment. A great place to “start-up”: high ceilings, large Windows and maximum light. All is good, but rocky felt uncomfortable. In our presence, the dog still somehow restrained her anxiety, but we had to leave for work, rocky immediately began to chop up the furniture and damage walls. But that's not the worst soundtrack for the neighbors has become a prolonged barking, which did not stop for a minute. It got to the point that they wanted to call the police. With his beloved dog to leave did not want. It was urgent to save the situation.

At one point I remembered about his "designer for adults". Scorbase circumstances prompted me to collect finally something practical on your favorite Arduino Board. I connected to her webcam, two servos for rotation and duct-taping a simple laser pointer is his favorite toy rocky. Many animals, especially cats and dogs, crazy moving lights sunbeams or laser pointers. To watch rocky outside the home created the web interface and simple control of camera position and laser.

First placeholder

I have got a access control device, and share the link with friends. It was the first success – friends liked to play with rocky, and the dog was happy with his life like never before. It turned out that many friends had similar problems with a bored pet, so they also wanted to have such a simple, but effective device.

the First web management interface gadget



I'm an it specialist by vocation and education, and is therefore clearly understood that I wish to focus on the technical side of the project. Immediately began searching for like-minded people who would help with the visual component, as well as promotion and organization of business.

Of course, many things in the world dominated by aesthetics and the notorious usability. The second man in the command was Andrew Maple – talented designer with whom I have worked over the past years.

With the first prototype I've attended several conferences and received extremely positive feedback. For example, Hackers & Founders in Odessa the project was won in a small competition of business ideas. In Odessa, I arrived with two friends from Prodigi (the Agency, which employs as a HUNDRED) — Roller Gritsenko and Yaroslav Anycom. We talked about the idea of a joint project, new order, the niches in the market and the big picture of tomorrow, which rapidly breaks the phenomenon of “internet of things”. Jaroslav was going to leave his position SMM Head at Prodigi to start their own business, although have not got a specific project. The idea of the robot for Pets seemed ideal, and he soon joined the team Petcube as CEO.



Actively engage in a project we started in August. My mission is directly a product, and it is not only "hardware" and the server part, but the interfaces for the browser and mobile applications. Of course, there are many problems: even a plastic cube shell for the prototype in Ukraine to make difficult. Briefly of the recent developments: we were able to make a second version of the prototype with the help of Artem Lugova, top-tier Android developer and researcher, to work out a serious business plan, to shoot a demo video for Kickstarter, we reject and start off>
Video from the filming of the video for Kickstarter

The main “milestone” so far can be considered successful participation at IDCEE. Petcube booth always had a crowd of people, who claimed that our project was the most interesting and unusual for the entire event. Some just came to socialize and learn, and ended all business proposals. So there was an understanding that we are on the right track.




Second placeholder


the Second option is the web interface

The next item in the project should be Kickstarter, then raising a round of investment overseas. We talked with many investors in Ukraine, acquired pleasant emotions and useful experience.



a Small note: the market of goods for Pets in the United States amounted to $51 billion in 2011 and is growing at 2% per year. In the United States 62% of the population has Pets, 20% of owners of cats and dogs leaves the TV on to animal was not bored during their absence. Today this problem is solved by the living wage the people who look after Pets. High-tech and easy-to-use methods almost no.

We are sociable and open to suggestions for cooperation. We need people who together with us will make Petcube to work reliably.

First and foremost, we are looking for technical specialists to develop hardware&software, guru circuit design and product designers.

I am sure that among the readers of Habra there are many people who Petcube seems interesting. And if you want to be part of a project with good sense, and good, and even somewhat noble mission, we will be happy to meet you. After all, there are many domestic animals, and every owner will say that his Pets are not supposed to be sad. Write on

upd: thank you All, we are on the main! Because of garraffello image some time is not displayed but it's all fixed. Added a screenshot of the second version of the web interface.

upd2: Discovered a problem with mail address already all corrected. If you wrote to this address — please send the same letter again. We received a lot of requests through other channels, thanks to everyone who is interested, will reply within a day )
Article based on information from


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