Option quick settings management system wholesale company

After configuring the CRM analytical database for Vtiger 5.3 (1, 2) became the obvious downside is the need to create modules with the assistance of programmers. But since Vtiger 5.3 to perform its functions, it was decided to leave it as is, following the principle — the best the enemy of the good.

A year later, choosing software for management of project office (but for an entirely different project), I was faced with Advantage.

The program is more than just an environment for project management. I will not go into details on the website of the programme is its detailed description, except to say that the program seemed to me to be a designer, which you can use yourself and quickly configure any management environment.

I was curious, is it possible to reproduce a CRM for a wholesale company. I love this, and all settings took me a few hours.

First thing was set the section "customer relationship Management". In the customer card has been configured its details (stage of life cycle, General information, etc.).


Then was created the category of "Product line", which is information about the pattern of consumption of the client in the context of product groups.

In the section "Brands" contains information about the consumption patterns of the client in the context of brands.

The sections "History" and "Contacts" are standard in any CRM, I only have been formed set of required fields.

In the section "Our competitors" is information about threats to individual product groups and brands of the company.

In the section "sales Plan" contains information about the goals for the current month in the context of brands and product groups.

On the tab "Fact sales" is aggregated information on the actual sales based on the delivery schedule.

The sales funnel I set up sopodchinennosti client, but it can be absolutely arbitrary.

Information on tabs "Fact sales", "Brands", "range", "sales Plan" is aggregated at the level of groups of clients. It is thus possible to switch the levels of the customer hierarchy.

In my opinion, Advanti interesting feature is the ability to create discussions, agreements, documents among employees in relation to the control objects (customers, product mix, etc.).

Once configured, the model works for the clients, it was the turn of brands and product groups.

Communication with consumers one way or another affect the range and brands. So you need to keep in sight of the managers information about the plans of sales by product groups and brands.

At the level of the commercial Director should identify points of growth and to avoid the erosion of the sales between them, use this information as a basis for making management decisions.
When creating the model was the problem of choice of the upper level of the hierarchy. In the end, as it was selected brands.

Product groups have been recognized by me too blurred, their boundaries can vary (for example from the level of the shock absorbers VAZ 2108 VAZ to shock absorbers), depending on the brand. Therefore, for this example Builder settings range was decomposed within each brand.

Sample card of the brand.

For every brand it is possible to create/bind the transaction to establish a connection with the priority segments. Within each brand selected suppliers.

For each vendor selected the category of "financial Management".

To link the sections customers and the brands/assortment of brands within a partition it is possible to create tasks, associating them with customers, segments, and individual performers.

An important feature Advance is that the system allowed you to customize the reports and their visualization, linking the objects and their details including using OLAP cubes.

In the end, after you create a management model of the wholesale company, I realized that Advanta is quite a option for a quick implementation.

It is possible to implement all four functions of management.
Planning — using objectives in the context of employees, customers, brands and product groups
Organization — discussion of business issues using the tools of Discussion, Negotiation of documents and assignment of tasks.
Motivation and control through visualization of progress in achieving the goals, calculate metrics and KPIs.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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