News HabraFX

Hi all,

Since release it was not long, it's a lot of feedback and requests, some of which dinamytE already brought to life. At the moment the current version is 0.0.10. Changes made since then:

* Minor bugfixes

+ The possibility of changing the position of the monitoring
+ Opening Habrahabr by double-clicking on karandikar (icon)

* Fixed a possible bug with User-Agent of requests to the server API Habrahabr

* Fix error in monitoring
* Changing the format of block blogs

* Initial release
+ The blocking of blogs, users,
+ Caractacus

In this blog I will write about the changes, updates and news HabraFX.


Setting of SVN

How to update HabraFx in a standard way, and via SVN?

If you need such capability (for special geeks), you will need a convenient SVN client (say, standard, console) and the following manual.

  • Find the home directory of your Firefox profile in it go to the extensions directory (on Linux this directory is in ~/.mozilla/firefox/%profile%/extensions)
  • the
  • Create a file with the name "{0c8ce5d0-4db6-11dd-ae16-0800200c9a66}" (without the quotes). Record in it the name of the directory where you plan to store the extension (it is important to specify the absolute path to this directory).
  • the
  • Navigate to the specified directory and do svn co .

All can work with the version from SVN, updating it in exactly the same way.
Article based on information from


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