Moobile is based on MooTools framework for mobile devices

Long time did not hear habré news about JS framework MooTools. Meanwhile, it continues its development. At the moment the latest version of kernel — 1.4.5.

Now, however, talk about something else. More April 20 in his Twitter the developers said that using the kernel library initiated development of a framework for mobile devices.
Upd.1 — develop it are not the creators of MooTools, thank you magmoro noticed the inaccuracy.


According to the authors, development is still quite raw, version 0.1.1*. However, the demo can be viewed here or here:
On a test iPhone 3g everything works more or less. Beautiful transitions, alerts and bind to the Tap event (tapstart,tapmove,tapend), Touchmove, Pinch, Swipe, and other.
The only BUT the demo page did not want to detect that it is running on a real device, and worked in the same mode on desktop ie on the page displayed in the emulator (though it looks like a feature).

At the moment only supported in WebKit-based browsers:
  • Safari 5.1.5 and above.
  • the
  • Google Chrome 18 and above

The distribution of the developer included the following packages:
  • MooTools, inficirovannye not.
  • the
  • Moobile, inficirovannye not.
  • the
  • Moobile emulator.
  • the
  • Stylesheets
  • the
  • Documents
  • the
  • Scripts for automated builds
  • the
  • YUI Compressor

Used MVC approach controllers and vyuha.
For example, load a view from a controller:

this.view ='templates/views/hello-world-view.html');

In the description of the classes used the advantages of MooTools, so for example part of the description of the controller:

var HelloWorldViewController = new Class({

Extends: Moobile.ViewController,



Everywhere in the HTML data is stored in the popular HTML5 attributes data-*

<div data-role="button" data-name="hello-world-button">Hello World</div>

Strengths MooTools has always been the animation by changing the style properties of the object. Respectively, and in moobile available good opportunities of this type.
At the moment the main used approach are the Transitions that are used in many of the examples in the demo to navigate between pages.

Of the available controllow at the moment contains the following:
From conversations so far, only

I hope u guys will succeed and the network will be enriched with quick, easy and powerful engine.

Upd.2 — changed the name to the distinguished torkve not flew hat. The original version was as follows: "Using MooTools initiated development of a framework for mobile — Moobile".
Article based on information from


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