Mobile Business Intelligence using Microsoft

We present a simple and inexpensive way of organizing a service, mobile Analytics (Mobile BI) for employees of the company.
For the organization of the service, we used the technology of Microsoft SQL Server (SSAS, SSIS), service Microsoft Azure and features a DevExpress.



Analysts say more and more about the growing need for mobile Analytics companies in various industries. Especially strong demand in the retail sector. Almost all major vendors of BI solutions are composed of their products tool for the organization of Mobile BI. However, to provide employees with access to analytical data on their mobile devices is often not so simple. Turnkey solutions and implementation services require a substantial budget and independent development of time consuming.

Here are the main problems faced by it departments, the organization of Mobile BI solutions

    Organization of security for data access.
    Typically, server analytical databases are on a local network companies. To provide access to them from mobile devices risky.

    access control to information for different user groups.
    For example, the branch Manager needs to see sales data only on your branch. Support for access rights in highly branched structure of the control often causes difficulties.

    Convenient and accessible interfaces for mobile devices. Analytical reports that have been developed for viewing on larger office monitors are not ideal for tablet and smartphone. For mobile Analytics typically requires dashboards and briefing summaries/

    Authorization., generally Used in the corporate sector, the Active Directory may not be suitable for this task. Let's say we want to give access to all retail sellers of a network ( and there can be several thousand) access to information about their personal sales.

    Hardware power. the Use of server resources for mobile Analytics can wear uneven. For example, managers review the results of the previous day in the morning or at the end of the reporting periods.



We will explain on our example how it is possible to solve these tasks.
So, here are the main components of the solution:
  • server platform.
  • the
  • Analytical database.
  • the
  • Interfaces to access the data.
  • the
  • Mechanism for user authorization.

Our solution consists of two servers: the database server and the application server. They are located on Windows Azure virtual machines. Using Windows Azure allows you to easily change the power of the platform and ensured high availability of service. In addition, we decide on the local company network.

The principal database for the solution is the MS SQL Server database Analysis Services (OLAP). For some reports, and service information using MS SQL Server. The data in the database come from the primary data storage of the company using MS SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).

The user accesses the data via web application interface ASP.NET running on IIS. For application development using MS Visual Studio and components DevExpress Dashboard for .NET.
DevExpress provides rich opportunities for rapid development dashboards and reporting forms that work well on mobile devices of any form factors.

Example of interface

For user access, use the authentication model ASP.NET forms-based.
The database server is a table (AccessToObject) containing data about the presence of a user's right to access certain information objects. For example, to data on sales of affiliates.

user object branch1 branch2

This table can be automatically generated based on data containing the structure of the company, such as a list of branches with contact managers on the corporate portal or staffing company from the system 1C.

With simple code we add change the user registration process on the website. Can register the user for whom access is specified in the table AccessToObject.

When creating reports, we dynamically set the filter settings to DevExpress components on the basis of data from table AccessToObject, thus providing the user access only to the intended information.

Using this mechanism, we do not need to pre-generate passwords and send them to the company's employees. It is only necessary to invite them to register in the system.



So, this decision Mobile BI is a low cost, high speed of development and speed of deployment.
We will be glad to answer questions and criticisms. In response to a personal message can provide a sample code.
Thank you for your attention.
Article based on information from


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