LinkMeUp. Issue 9. Intelligent System Monitoring of Network Operation and project NOC

the Ninth edition of the podcast linkmeup is a continuation of the previous article about Intelligent Monitoring Systems.
The basic idea is to maximally remove humans from network management. Setup, validation, configs, debugging problems, logs analysis — all should be automatic.
No need to draw a network diagram manually and monitor its relevance. The network needs to be aligned with the monitoring system of accidents. Friendly interface, clear messages.

So, away podcast Dmitry Volodin(DmitryVolodin) and Alex Broad engineers Russian operators and participants of the project of NOC. Moreover, Dmitri is the Creator of the system itself.

To some extent, the NOC implements those functions I mentioned in the article, and perhaps the first step towards Intelligent Control System.

Also in the news again raised the topic of BRICS cable, back to the issue of space laser communication. Two other interesting technical news: free sale femtojack to the subscribers and the technology Li-Fi — unproudly communication via normal led bulbs.

Download podcast.

The story of Dmitry Volodin was so voluminous that the history of vnedrenia and some useful tips from Alexey Wide we moved to the next — the tenth episode.

Article about Intelligent Control Systems
project Site NOC
of Tred on the Naga on the draft NOC
A series of articles on Habre: 1, 2, 3, 4

the Investigation of the author of telecoms cable BRICS
Space laser from NASA (Habr)
Free sale femtolasik
testing the technology Li-Fi (Habr)

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Article based on information from


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