Ideas for Habra

Try here to contribute to the triumph of social justice :)

Suggestions for improvement the following (although it may be implemented, I mechanisms to the end has not understood):

1. To make karma seeking balance is zero, after a time of inactivity. This will allow you to keep on the resource users. For example, a user having oily karma will be keen to go sometimes to participate, in order for example not to be zero in the position of a beginner and be able to write. Users offended by the system and earned the cons are also not leaving forever and will not be registered under another name, knowing that in the same month, their karma will come to zero (during this time they will have time to calm down).

2. In order to eliminate the effect of the crowd and its leaders, repeatedly referred to as causes unreasonable minusovaniya, introduce a rule according to which in the first few minutes, hours or votes after placing the post — scores are not reflected on the page, that is, the user will be forced to Express their opinion, but not to join the first/the most.

3. You may want to consider the necessity of transition to the normal points system (at least the usual 0 and 1 :) ). Noticed (and not only I) local people are not lazy cons, but the pros puts it very sparingly. And so, I do not like — do not touch — without points he will disappear in the rating, like — put.

Here, in order not to multiply add more suggestions before I forget (although it may have suggested)

claim 4 given a chance to publish individually to choose people with karma below how many will be able to rate and leave comments. This is for those habré, who believe that HIS posts are worthy only experienced professionals (and this refers to the size of the karma).

p. 5 Make the filter by which you can make to display for yourself on the main (and maybe other) pages only the authors of the posts with karma below.

p. 6 to Make a custom master page to allow the user to choose what to show (tape, live, etc.). Maybe, too, given the points of the karma of the authors and so on.

More add:
claim 7 For the reduction of karma and points to take "Commission" or "fee" (as you like) slice of karma cons. That is, if I deem that a bad comment — I can minunati, but my karma will decrease to 0.25 for example, if minusnu post — farewell to 0.5, if you decide that you should punish the person touching his karma — even a 0.75 or 1. Then I before shit think, and is it worth it? A limited number of these disadvantages to be removed. Every whim for Your karma :)!
But the reverse action it is impossible to make ( + + ) — to avoid markups and actuation technology, "the cuckoo praises the cock for ..".

While I zaminusovali not completely excommunicated from the project (to write in someone's comments is like hiding in the dark corners with all agreeing is not satisfied) write perhaps another suggestion:
p. 8 habré to Start a separate thread to post rejected, i.e. those who are in the red. Without translation in the ribbon, on the home or somewhere else You (old-timers) there's a annoying to see them. Why? It's simple — if I zaminusuyut, I won't be able to write their thoughts and questions here (at the expense of the comments I made above) and will probably go away. But those who remain — if I can't write the posts — will go and write comments to others, often not the topic, agreeing with all or directly asking for karma. Do You need it? Here for such cases I propose to make a separate line — they will be able to write posts (even a huge one) — but in the overall flow (at least until karma reaches the norm) they will not fall and will be visible to friends and those who just go to watch this stream. When you write and monitor your post — time to "shit" (according to some) in other people's posts will be less. And too much reason for a "clean" re-registration will not. I hope expounded the idea more or less clear.
UPD: it Seems already to claim 9 Is, on habré such a fashionable trend, the competition who will go deeper in the negative. Given that this is after -0,01 no matter what does not affect, begin abuse(overt provocation to the Mat). Offer to beat out the basis for such competition is to limit the display of the karma of others (and maybe himself) at for example -10. Reached this level? Then no matter how much he tried and how much would it not minusovat — will show -10, and there will be a large crowd from which to stand out is impossible.

10 once karma reaches the -7, then the time writing new comments equate to the size of karma (module), ie has gained some comrade -60, so it will be between the comments to wait an hour.

11. To allow selection of the boot option line comments (show all posts, show folded (i.e. not downloaded) and open a new one, do not download read messages if more of them X, etc.). The fact that I for example can't open large discussion — 1. breaks on a specific line 2. re-view and flip through the hundreds of messages which gave me no need 3. this decrease in traffic volume, which is also important as actual service users.

12. To give the ability to convert/use ammo designed to change karma (almost never use) to the comments.

13. To make (optional) notifications about new comments on posts to which I replied (a La LiveJournal) and not just on the comments on my comments. Sometimes it's convenient.

14. Modification of clause 2, which I've posted somewhere in another review is to show you points (and maybe the karma and comments) to the user only after he voted for a post (comments, karma) and before that for example show a "?" character — this will allow to know personal opinion, and not as Chato happen — "all have done so, and I ..."

15. Love habré to correct errors in the words of users, and it is very good (maybe just because of this one would have a system of karma). In General, proposed to integrate habré offer from portal the word verification on other sites.

16. I understand it's probably difficult — but why not remove the right icon "add to friends" in the profile after sending a request? Or at least change it to "consider" something. And it is the second time I think that Habr swallowed the request and try to send again (getting kolbaskina) — I think I'm not the only one. often I hear complaints that "Habr was not the" due to numerous articles not of the it subject, I suggest: break Habr on Two major sections of "it" and "about it" :) and to add posts in a row by voting "like/dislike" voting is one — in accordance with the content of the resource. If the post is deemed not relevant (for example rack up more than 20 relevant points), it automatically will be transferred in any category "for Itshnik" posts, but not deleted or atabrin. And just because a joke can be sometimes interesting, but not relevant subject. Accordingly, the tape and the new show separately for each block. Or highlight in a different color (even gray).

18. To make a filter for those who have a "Habr is not the same" — to show only those posts which plus put X of my friends from round 1. I assume that choosing friends with similar interests and opinions at the expense of public life, respectively, and a selection of reading material you can trust them.

19. To put next to the name of the author of the post box to send Express messages, such as error text.

20. It would be nice to somehow notify you of new comments in blogs add to favorites.

21. It is necessary as one step of the procedure, indicate the need to pass any test of literacy (for example in WP).

22. To add to the form adding a reference function showing the number of letters/number of letters (since I set a limit of 500) — yet have not thought up anything more cleverly as stupid to erase several words or use a third-party program with this function.
23. Again, but let it be in one place. It would be nice to ban (technically) to change the karma of those who do not have a single post and comment — agree, suspicious when people just signed up — nothing has been written, and is karma and the power of 2 or even 6, with an empty profile.
PS This is not envy — just should probably all put in the same framework (and virtuals, this will help). Since call and ask for interesting posts and comments from one for the karma, don't let others get her, only an acquaintance.
Article based on information from


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