Filtering RSS feeds Habrahabr via Yahoo!Pipes

Hello, Dear Hebraist.

Topic filter RSS streams through Yahoo!Pipes have already been highlighted (Example here), but I would like to show a more simple and affordable for mere mortals method.

So, just a week ago all the posts on habré had the appearance of The presence in the body links to the blog's name you can easily clean the tape from uninteresting entries, just filtering out unnecessary blog link

Now, after the spring update, the links to the posts now have the form Post now may not be in the same hub and just 3. well, this is a very interesting approach, however, our task is to learn to filter uninteresting hubs.

One RSS feed entry Habra contains information such as the title of the post, the nick of the author, date of publication and other data. We are also interested in this option records both category. It is obtained by enumeration of such elements as hubs to which a post belongs, and tags of the post: under this option, we will filter.

why we can not filter on the parameter description? There also is a listing of hubs!
True, but at description there's another part of the article. Simulated this situation — I'm a fierce opponent of Android but applier, put the filter on the word "Android" that my eyes have not seen news about this OS. Well, now my tape is cleared of all references to this abominable OSes, but now if you have an article that mentions why iOS is better than Android I'll never see her again! Disorder!

That is why we will filter the category parameter in order to minimize the risk of missing useful/interesting article.

Actually the process of filter settings is extremely simple: take out the filter and choose Block and any in the respective lists
Now make a rule:
as collation of the input item.category. If we're looking for in the body of the text, select the corresponding list Contains and in the blank field, enter the name of the hub that do not want to see the tape.
Examples of final rules: the item.category Contains Android item.category Contains a High performance, etc. I think the meaning is clear

As we all will look in Yahoo!Pipes

The first couple of days will have to sweat and make the rules on uninteresting hubs, but after these few days you will notice that your ribbon has become much cleaner, to read it became much nicer.

Why it's needed, if registering on Habre, we will be able to do the same sort just poking show ?
Here, of course, a matter of taste. I here for example is easier to read tape in Google Reader, so I went that way.
Also, I'm curious to read all the new articles and not only saharienne — this method is just convenient in this case, because though the registration and gives you the opportunity to read the new posts sorted, but seem posts published less than 24 hours ago. Agree, this approach requires daily to view the topic of "New" that is not very convenient. Much easier when Google Reader itself saves you material and you read it when you need to.

I hope this article someone will be useful. Thank you for your attention
Article based on information from


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