Digmus — blockchain in the case of checking counterfeit

It just so happens that in the summer of this year the ICO projects became more introspective and decided to direct their attention to the most unnecessary, worthless even, no clear and unworthy, perhaps, of mention of people ... lawyers.

The views were so much that they escalated into a full-fledged 15-17 applications, not far behind each of which stood something new but, if not to take into account the thesis: "let's make ICO and Shine!".

To burn really started, but nothing from this sensible most did not work: let's say there was a whole week of coming projects on p2p lending. Another week was marked by the developers. Next seven days about the loyalty program. In General originality decided to strangle himself with the banality of life and the impermanence of life, hiding the potential of creativity into the unknown ideas about the huge, immature, impossible fees.

But the world is always made up of the following differences: coming of steel, though not in such numbers, and sensible projects. Among them are those about whom already told: kickico, descrow, pluscoin, eloplay and others. And recently, on the horizon flashed another star of the adequacy of and love for code — https://digmus.io/ (the most interesting — in the end).

About it speech also will go.

If very short, the service definition is: a decentralized platform for authentication of goods. It is logical if to take into account the possibilities of the blockchain; just because retail, in my opinion, is the first industry where the blockchain in General, should be demanded; openly, as the fight against counterfeiting else suggests. At least in the context of decentralized systems.

To become a little clearer on how the team involved in the process, I recommend reading their post on the Medium devoted to comparison of services of this kind, where the same is given a small but succinct history.

Immediately to what I liked about the project:

  1. History is not locally scalable: applicable in any location from the point of view of coordination and any jurisdiction from the perspective of law;
  2. the
  3. History fair: based on the fact that the effect of scalability provides a process of consumer education assessment of the quality of goods;
  4. the
  5. Which is especially good for Habra — recruitment of IT specialists are higher than the industry average (as surprising or even paradoxical as it sounds);
  6. the
  7. White paper — not ideal, but it is structured to put the "credit". Also a rarity in the modern market ICO.


  1. do Not quite understand the mechanism of the struggle with grey marks where they multiply in the n-th number and are delivered in different villages of our country (or our);
  2. the
  3. the Social component of honey is — mine, perhaps even obscene, the look worked much worse than than technical: the bias of it-schnick, apparently, plays a role here;
  4. the
  5. Disclaimers to the project — as much as half a page: I understand that this is the standard for the industry, but I have always the question remains, what is left :)

Seriously, the functionality of the service stated the following (see below):

Everything is simple: there is blachan Digmus, there is a Qr code — this is the scheme of the purchaser and the manufacturer, which is profitable to sell and buy counterfeit goods.

Another advantage of the platform — appropriate assessment of development: 1 000 000 dollars. However, even this figure will be criticized (haters will always exist), but considering the time, labor and other costs it is appreciated.

As for the concept, then my personal opinion is its minimalism is what these projects should be born into the world: because we all know that unique soda bottles, the intricate design of dental scyoc, strange shape of jars for jam and so on — not only about marketing and merchandising, logistics and aesthetics, but also about authenticity.

In addition, such an approach is quite necessary in areas such as product aggregators, who are now pushing the world forward (where exactly is not known, but what the forward — exactly): it is enough to remember Aliexpress or E-bay. Because it is advantageous that the vendors were selling what is stated, since in this case increases the loyalty of not only the buyer but also user platform, even though it is same but function is different from him.

No wonder even today, when the ICO in China in fact prohibited, the site still contains a translation of this beautiful but incomprehensible language?

by the Way, if we talk about the methodology 4M (4K), here Digmus will give odds to many:

  1. Command to verify just, and to communicate with her easily;
  2. the
  3. About the concept already described;
  4. the
  5. koin has the story clear and simple, although not unique from that: “in the system Digmus all transactions in the blockchain (the creation of new companies, creating products, creating items, recording information about moving units, etc.) are charged with the local currency system, genuineness or GEN. Of spent - tion for a transaction of coins the most part destroyed, and less is transferred to the miner as a reward”.
  6. the
  7. Code: you can find demo. For example, on Android. About it — a little more detail: again — Habr to contribute.

At once I will tell anyone who will ask questions about how a prototype is made that a careful reading of the White paper the answer becomes obvious (but for Hyper-evidence — zaposchu it here):

the prototype will be implemented on a centralised basis in respect of ease of development. Since the beta version and further development will switch to its own blockchain

To Graphene I have a dual attitude, but that's for another time.

Check — easier to not think, and will do: go to the website https://digmus.io/demo/ and using QR CityWalk (aka camera :) do reconciliation. I will also say that the guys obviously do not bother about the expense of marketing: it and is clear — education is not allows.

But, I must say that it impressed me: multi-million dollar projects, allegedly made for the ages and exclusively for the "global needs" in 99% of cases — if not a fake, Scam, not Scam, the dust. Here everything is aimed at the fact that the process was open and transparent.

Test app has been launched on the Note II and the new J7. Running smoothly. Any problems did not see. Was crashing on the old Note II, but corrected, for which separate thanks and plus. But don't have enough information: I think there should be a unique code (the strokes?), to bind was to a unit, and not the party, for example. iPhone yet to test in beta: access via the AppStore no, but email will send, to be sure.

And another curious fact, which should appeal to us geeks, that's about it details http://telegra.ph/CHto-takoe-RFID-i-NFC-10-18: the fact that Digmus recently received for testing new NFC chip with embedded cryptography from NXP and look forward to hearing more about it on habré, and yet — I recommend to plunge into the project through langrid WP https://digmus.io/wp/Digmus_WP_RU.pdf or short speckled technical wisdom on https://digmus.io/.

let the Force be with you the Integrity of the Chain :)

PS by the Way, the team definitely has habré: I think she will have something to answer questions.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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