Block-NO! Nowhere to retreat — behind offline

Bloku.NET! It is forbidden to Forbid

It is difficult to find someone who likes the latest legislative initiatives of the Network, but constructive suggestions about what to do with this sounds very little. Let's all just try to figure out how to operate legally in the current situation, not to give a chance to spread your wings rabid censorship, not to wait for General flight specialists from the country and burnt tires in Moscow. The review warmly welcomed the constructive.

Yes, the petition against 187-FZ has not had the desired effect, and concerns that were expressed when it is writing excuses day by day. However, she made to arrange a formal conference, resulted in a series of articles in the media through which the General public are once again reminded about their rights, showed that we are many, we are decentralized, but United in the struggle for their Network.

Comrade bypasser suggested interesting way of fighting — email and paper appeals, which, at a certain mass, will not remain unnoticed, and the authorities are obliged to respond. We developed this idea to a full campaign, gathered in different ways in one place presented in a clear, convenient form.


Block-NO!: The anti-terrorist campaign

For those who are inclined to cryptanalytically, I want to stress that if the earlier drafts of the regulation Network was focused on technical methods to limit access, but now the rhetoric has shifted to punishment directly, citizens. Are you ready to "knock" on their users?

If your site is blocked or you face a lock

  • Report of blocked resources.
  • the
  • Fix any damage — material and moral.
  • the
  • Write a complaint, send the answers to us. The more, the problem is more noticeable, and every reply is an argument for the COP and the ECHR.
  • the
  • Serve lawsuits against Roskomnazdor, you can combine them into a collective, with a large number.
  • the
  • Try to convince the ISP or hoster to stand by your side and sign your petition. This is important for a provider that would be “extreme”. As we found out at the Deputy Schlegel, on, fair defendant for wrongful lock does not exist (i.e. the defendant can be only the plaintiff, at whose request made lock)
  • the
  • and Make use of mirror sites and blogs on skrytsya.
  • the
  • Join IT-Union

If you are an ISP or hosting provider

  • Contact us to organize to defend their rights to net neutrality.
  • the
  • Sign a collective appeal, to Express the position of the industry, your voice weight.
  • the
  • Put on the lock pages 451 instructions for bypass.
  • the
  • Collaborate with your users, conduct outreach, you have an unprecedented opportunity to highlight the issue.

At the moment, in the eyes of the public, you are the same victims, as well as your clients, to sue for wrongful blocking by IP with you personally, while no one wants to, but when you use truly dangerous solutions — about any the victim status of the question can not be.

If you — Yandex/Google/Kiwi/e.t.c

  • Collect signatures, organize a collective letter from representatives of business, post them in the public domain.
  • the
  • Use the popularity of their resources for large-scale announcement of civic initiatives.
  • the
  • Give the action teams of legal, information and financial assistance.

Does the business lobby is able to promote the only reducing the limit for duty-free entry and ban Nazi tanks? Ebay, in turn, made newsletter for all Russian users asking to vote on the ROI against reducing the limit for duty-free import. Wikipedia not bent and still no one dared to block. QIWI, you, like, shares detached collapsed. Ithe desired sub because about banner?

It is necessary to act in the legal sphere, and not to forget, digging in VPN and skrytsya. Otherwise, there will remain only one turn before the crash. In addition, it makes sense now to build a backup system to alert citizens about how to restore the access to resources, because there are two types of admins...



Mail for communication and the media:
Out bitmessage: BM-NC4gQDRiRmNrgmP1YEqGybMTa5vU99zr
Those who have no account on Habre, can participate in discussions here.


bypasser, vodka_ruAuthors ideas
sharaProject Bloku.NET
sardarbinyanPetition on ROI (pending)
temych, choojoyRoskomsvoboda, Roskomzem
Article based on information from


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