AppFuscator is a cloud — based protection .NET
Hello Habr! We successfully worked on our product, and today I want to share the news. For those who have not read the previous topics (1 and 2), let me remind you that we are developing an online service for protection .NET applications. The process of obfuscation takes place directly in the cloud via SaaS.
Tell us a little about innovation.
For those who obfuscate their programs constantly we have simplified the process — now You can use a special a client to work with our service. The configuration can be saved to a project, and then to obfuscate Your programs in one click.

The program is distributed as open Source (MIT license), everyone can find source. In the future, we plan to put the API in a separate module for easy integration with other programs.
The program is still a beta, we apologize in advance for any bugs.
In AppFuscator added a new protection algorithm of Control flow obfuscation — obfuscating control flow. The essence of this method is to separate the design into individual components and building from them is difficult-associated transition graph. In the end, the logic of the code to understand to become very not easy.
A small example:

Full code obfuscating method can be viewed here (I've turned off all protection except for Control flow obfuscation)
Summary: return the decoder to write perhaps, but it is not quite easy, expensive and difficult. Will have to sharpen it individually for our algorithm, and we will try to update frequently, so the potential hacker was fun and eventful.
Significantly improved algorithms of obfuscation WPF. Our obfuscator can rename the objects used in XAML markup, and thus correctly handles Bingings, Attached Properties, Attached Events, and other crafty designs from the world of WPF. Typically, the process of obfuscation does not require manual configuration, will take care of everything intelligent algorithms analyze code and XAML markup (more precisely, BAML).

Now, every user can personal account. It is possible to see the history of obfuscate and download the previous version obfuscated to explore MAP files.

We'd love to hear Your questions and suggestions and to discuss ideas.
UPD1. Posted 10 promo codes for registration:
UPD2. Invites is over. Someone is not enough, one not activated we had in the tweeter.
Article based on information from
Tell us a little about innovation.
the client Program
For those who obfuscate their programs constantly we have simplified the process — now You can use a special a client to work with our service. The configuration can be saved to a project, and then to obfuscate Your programs in one click.

The program is distributed as open Source (MIT license), everyone can find source. In the future, we plan to put the API in a separate module for easy integration with other programs.
The program is still a beta, we apologize in advance for any bugs.
Control flow obfuscation
In AppFuscator added a new protection algorithm of Control flow obfuscation — obfuscating control flow. The essence of this method is to separate the design into individual components and building from them is difficult-associated transition graph. In the end, the logic of the code to understand to become very not easy.
A small example:

Full code obfuscating method can be viewed here (I've turned off all protection except for Control flow obfuscation)
- Several different ways of switching between units the
- Support for Switch instructions the
- Dynamic counters to indicate the status between units
Summary: return the decoder to write perhaps, but it is not quite easy, expensive and difficult. Will have to sharpen it individually for our algorithm, and we will try to update frequently, so the potential hacker was fun and eventful.
Improved WPF obfuscator
Significantly improved algorithms of obfuscation WPF. Our obfuscator can rename the objects used in XAML markup, and thus correctly handles Bingings, Attached Properties, Attached Events, and other crafty designs from the world of WPF. Typically, the process of obfuscation does not require manual configuration, will take care of everything intelligent algorithms analyze code and XAML markup (more precisely, BAML).

Personal account
Now, every user can personal account. It is possible to see the history of obfuscate and download the previous version obfuscated to explore MAP files.

We'd love to hear Your questions and suggestions and to discuss ideas.
UPD1. Posted 10 promo codes for registration:
UPD2. Invites is over. Someone is not enough, one not activated we had in the tweeter.
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