Again about all of us voting for your favorite topics

habré is simple and effective voting system for topics. Overall, it works pretty smoothly, but there are times that I am personally a little confused. Allow me to share them :).

An example to start. Suppose I have created a relevant and popular topic about poaching in the Altai region (the example here is deliberately abstract). The topic attracted interest, began active voting, comments poured in one of the other beautiful. The audience got a taste. But here's the problem, the terrible death of the sturgeon, as such, not to everyone's liking (and understandably so). Barely read the article, some users are in a hurry zaminusovali topic in protest. They are against poaching! And I agree with them. But let. What does the phenomenon of poaching (the object article) to the assessment of the article itself.

I personally cons of topic, as a rule, for the following reasons:
  • I don't like the writing style or the author's arguments, given in the article;
  • the
  • I believe that the article is registered and the author I'm confused.

But if I don't like the phenomenon described in the article, this does not mean that the article itself is uninteresting, irrelevant or is the author wrong. Topics for discussion are different. And this is good.

In the end, I see an amazing picture: the number of voters for my top – 50, the rating of the post 0 (+1, +2, etc. but not more than +7). That is voted "For" the same as "Against". And topic themselves peacefully rests in its category, when, judging by the scale of the discussion should already be Saharonim and discussed in the circle to a wider audience. No amount of discussion (in this case 50 voted), or 25 votes, played no role. The topic stayed where it was.

It is clear that this does not happen often. But you will agree that happen. And it can be remedied, if the output topic in Zacharenia not only in the case of overcoming the "threshold output", but in the case of overcoming of the specified number of votes (the real amount of debate), of course, provided a positive rating (>=0).

By the way idea: let's just take a vote. The results of the vote will speak louder than any discussion :)
So are you for or against?
Article based on information from


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