Abraham: you work hard, to catch the deadline. What now?

the Author, Matthew burns, have worked on such game franchises as Halo, Call of Duty and Destiny. He is a writer and game developer from Seattle.

Abraham, or the full effort in trying to catch the deadline (slang for English-speaking programmers – crunch [crunch]) is a regrettable phenomenon in our industry. And before someone will come up with a solution for this problem, what do we do with him?

In the debate about the rush jobs we're talking about whether there are circumstances under which it is valid – that is, whether there is "good" and "bad" Abraham – what should the industry do in order to cut the number of "bad". I agree with the fact that for industry it would be useful to change from the top down. Usually managers can take on more responsibility to help improve working conditions and make game development a pleasant and stable work. But such a change would be slow and go it will be in parts. A huge number of studios and developers around the world is controlled by people who think differently – too many of them, so they can negotiate and bring change.

This means that even if there is a reason to believe in improvement, there is a chance to stumble in his career on the "bad" all hands on deck, and the longer the career, the more likely you are to meet him (more than once). "Not like – bring down", as they like to say bad heads and Internet commentators, but because of many factors, sometimes it is simply impossible – if, for example, you lose your job and not be able to quickly find another.

So if you recently entered this industry and was in my first all hands on deck, or if you want to do games, but worried about the horror stories about rush, here's my thoughts on this phenomenon and how to experience it, so if you are in a heap.


As there are the rush jobs?

Abraham can start in teams of completely different type and size; there is no species which would be immune. He can come to big teams, and indie developers, for new recruits and experienced veterans. Often we imagine evil man chewing on a cigar, on top of giving instructions to all to aurality to maximize the amount of work invested in them a dollar, and sometimes that's exactly what happens. On this boss it is best not to work.

But Abraham could happen in a natural way, without the edicts from management. For example: a small part of the team starts to stay late at work to finish off the remaining before a milestone development. Managers Studio can see it and in trying to help start to order dinner to the office. It strengthens the faith of the employees in the advent of Abraham, and more and more people do after work. Those who leave on time, feel the sidelong glances of the remaining – why they don't try as well as we? And soon the whole Studio starts to Abraham. They just each other was ashamed.

Even individual developers can decide what they need to keep the promise given to customers or fans, and put himself into an emergency mode. It can be dangerous, as people working alone tend to blame themselves for this situation: they underestimated the complexity of the work, they are not smart, they just needed to know... Without my colleagues and team members that could support him, the developer alone, went into a state of Abraham, can quickly be in trouble.


"Bad" and "good" jobs involving all hands

Speaking of "good" jobs involving all hands, mean the voluntary cases, when a team of highly motivated, doing something that he considers cool, and everyone wants to work more to make the end product amazing. I hope that this also means that employees feel that they normally pay for recycling – by using a simple additional payments, bonuses, percentage of profits or shares of the company. Conversely, "bad" Abraham are mandatory, no end in sight, and he does not inspire enthusiasm or desire them to do. Caught in bad rush jobs of the developers falling into a state of doom, the rivalry with colleagues and psychological problems that affect their private life.
Importantly, the meaning of emotions over time may vary. Abraham may begin as "good" – a fun time for dinner, introduction with colleagues, playing Mario Kart while compiling the latest build. But there will be a few setbacks, and now this project turns into a suicide March, where few people speak, do not feel the taste of the food, and all the colleagues quietly hate each other and the whole world.

You can agree, you can argue with these lax definitions. You, the developer, to decide what "bad" and "good" rush jobs for you when you build your career. Reasons, rewards and results of stress (or lack of) can be very different in different situations, so you should consider the details.


is Not just black and white

The hypothetical of the employee to the rush jobs can be placed on a segment between two extreme points. On one end of the scale is fanatically committed people, who spit on the social aspects of money and so ready to go to Abraham, and further, into oblivion, without any reason. On the other hand, those who refuse to work even a second more than you should, even if they are a small team with which they worked for years, doing something magical and almost reached the goal. By themselves, these extrema are not bad, but the people from the first option may seem to many a fool, and of the second goat.

Of course, most cases fall somewhere in the middle. In practice usually you work at a game Studio, and there is something good and something bad. You more or less respect the boss, but not 100%. In the game you are working on, there are wonderful moments, but there are disappointing. Some people you work with who inspire you, and you feel lucky to work with them, and some you would not want to communicate.

In other words, you are to some extent proud of the work you believe that she has some artistic value. You are gullible fanatic, but not a complete cynic (I hope). Therefore, the arguments for and against extra work is evaluated depending on the current situation.


all hands on deck for a fee

You can decide what reward in the future (bonus, part of the profits) makes up for the lack of processing fees. Okay, but only schemes of calculation of such remuneration it is often difficult to understand and, by their nature, their size is difficult to predict. The extent to which such compensation is often calculated in a strange way that you do not completely understand – especially in large companies. You will be expected that you will accept them with gratitude, as a token of appreciation from the company. The bonus is a good thing, but in advance it is difficult to foresee whether it will be a worthy price to pay for a hard trip.

If recycling is no additional cost for you the thing is useless, it is customary to refrain from participating in the bonuses (and often from getting health insurance) and work for an hourly fee. This is a good option if you are worried that you will be exploited, forced to work without compensation. Unfortunately, hourly workers are often seen in the Studio as the staff of the second class.

The logic of reservations, health insurance and bonuses for those working for a salary is, apparently, that you are more worried about the final product, if you are willing to spend as many hours as necessary, working for a fixed salary. You have a "selfish interest", as some entrepreneurs. Don't know if I believe in this logic – I worked with a large number of hourly contractors who are much more worried about the final product than some of the employees receiving the fixed rate.

No matter what is your salary – if you work with a team where it is considered that after the game "we'll all be rich!" – try to forget about it. Motivate yourself with a big payment, which may happen or may not happen is not the best strategy. If you think: "I need a little more patience with this garbage, and then I'll finish," you already got into a dangerous situation. I'm not saying that the expectation of wealth is guaranteed to disappoint you. You can make this work! However, the chances that you will earn enough to change the material aspect of your life are just chances. It's a lottery, the probability of winning in which it is impossible to calculate precisely – and therefore should treat it accordingly. No matter how lucky you are, but if you enjoy the lottery but when to win, in most cases, you will be disappointed.


Abraham as a means of gaining experience

When you are just starting a career as a developer, it is natural to try to prove that you are worthy of success. You exerts pressure to show themselves, especially if you are lucky enough to be in a well-known and respected studios, working on a major franchise. You don't want to fail your team, you experience an irrational fear of disappointing the boss, and you can even believe that the people guiding you know what you are doing.

Some leaders specifically look for young workers who, in their opinion, are likely to be lonely (keep in mind that questions about family and marriage candidate for an interview illegal [at least according to the laws of some American States – approx.transl.]). They believe that such workers are more likely to stay in the office day and night.

Whether the consent of the worker to be killed at work for the company a positive trait or not, these factors increase the likelihood of falling into the trap of Abraham immediately after starting work. Don't want to dismiss the desire of the employee to do the work till the end even in a bad situation; I understand the motivation to add to his track record the game. But I hope that the work in the gaming industry will continue for some time, and if your experience will consist of a set of drills, you will have no idea what games to do something different. You will think, "Well, now so do the games" and will burn at work.

As in the case with financial motivation, the acquisition of reputation and experience in the end is good, but be careful if that is the only reason to work.


all hands on deck for the team

You are the man and you can't work in a team, not developing a sense of community. Even if you are not particularly keen on your product and the payment doesn't meet your expectations, you may decide that you will not leave your comrades to suffer alone. You are included in Abraham along with them to show support. If you know why you work, this choice has the right to life.

This situation reminds me of the old cliché from war movies. A group of soldiers is sent on a difficult and dangerous task, not because they believe in higher ideals, or because they respect the commander, but because they are devoted to each other. They protect each other, they are together.

Cunning leaders can sometimes play on this feeling in their favor, so be careful.


take Care of yourself

Abraham – a thing physically challenging, so learn the signals that you get from your body when he's down. Then apply the standard tips for office workers: take breaks, pull muscles, breathe, exercise, sleep enough. Do not abuse the stomach fat and unhealthy snacks. Etc.

Rush jobs may be difficult to affect consciousness. Not always easy to recognise the problem. Perhaps it has been several months, and you feel that nothing makes no sense, or are you constantly imagine the murder of your colleagues, or do you often drink just to cope with the difficulties. What sort of things you say to yourself?

You can increasingly turn to their partner for emotional support. And it makes sense, it's part of a relationship. But if your relationships are skewed this way too long, they become onerous, unfair and very difficult to maintain. Your colleagues will sympathize with you when you spoil your personal life due to games (most likely they have the same problems). But don't let them convince you that it is a necessary rite of passage.

To seek out resources. Don't be fooled and don't reject professional support. A side effect of today's fashion articles with revelations is the fact that many of them described the extreme working conditions. You may think that compared to them your story is not so bad, so you need to just grit our teeth and deal with their problems like a professional. You're going to survive this, you idiot. You think after the game comes out, everything will be fine. I need a little patience.
Don't make the mistake and don't try to be stoic. This only postpones the problem. Be prepared to take professional help even if the problem does not seem so terrible. If to illustrate it through the physical metaphor (not perfect, but hopefully available): break a leg is worse than to stretch the ligament. A broken bone is a visit to the emergency room and months of recovery. On the other hand, with a sprain you can even avoid visits to the doctor. Be limping for six weeks with swelling, but it will pass. Possible.

But everyone knows that to go to the doctor with a sprain is reasonable and logical. None of the good friends won't tell you: "you're like a little, can't cope with the tension?". The doctor will not be able to get into your body and fix it, but he professionally make the dressing, will appoint the right treatment and give advice on care.

The same broken leg the problem with the mentality is obvious, a dramatic nervous breakdown. But if you don't have one, don't think you can just leave without attention to the smaller problems, similar to a stretched ligament. Of course, your therapist or psychologist or a teacher of meditation will not get you to the brain and not straighten it, but as in the case of trauma and stretching, they will help you to make sure you are on the right track.


Life after Abraham

At the end of the first Abraham, telling myself the team is "next time do it better." Appreciate the intention; I think that it is absolutely necessary to try to improve yourself. But I would have held back their expectations. In my experience, if the team has slipped to Abraham, to finish the game, it is likely that they will have almost the same Abraham and the next time – no matter how much time will be spent on "fixing processes" in the gap. I don't think it is the result of malice. Just the collective habits are hard to change. Finishing the game in hard mode Abraham is one of those things that penetrate into muscle memory.

You'll also be able to take a vacation. Take it and enjoy! But vacation after the game, when you are basically staring at the ceiling – which is very easy to roll after the crisis -- will not help you as it should. Just free time you will not heal. If you were driving at maximum speed as long as the oil pan is not puffed, the belts are not worn and the tires are not worn off, and then left her to stand – she'll get fixed. Take active steps suitable for you to recover. This can be something that will remind you why you ever got involved with game development, or something not related to games. If you want, relax a bit on the couch, but are not limited to these.



If your career is in game development, someday you will most probably Abraham. In some cases, the authorities will force you to do it, but sometimes you will decide whether circumstances require additional work – whether you want to support the team, do you believe that doing something extraordinary, or work for the award. If you get to Abraham, consider the benefits received because of this your employer, and consider whether she is your benefit.

Long stress can lead to problems with health and mentality, and it can harm you and your surroundings. Pay close attention to yourself, listen to other people's reviews. If you find that doing something harmful, it is important to recognize it and deal with it, even if it doesn't seem too bad compared to stories of other people.

Hard enough to balance work on the desired project and work with nice people, enjoy the process and to obtain equitable remuneration. The world is not perfect, and it is not always possible to find a job that meets even one of these parameters. But if you survive in the time of Abraham, knowing what you're getting into, and without compromising health and psychological condition, you will be able to continue game development further.
Have a safe travel.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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