A service that helps to find on TaoBao "rare" items (+ a couple of free Google Translate API)

welcome All! I think very many people know what is TaoBao or at least heard.

For those who do not know TaoBao is a giant Chinese marketplace, the amount of goods which is measured by the number close to a billion. There you can find almost any whim of your imagination, and quite cheap. But there are two problems: to find a product (entire website TaoBao and all descriptions are in Chinese) and deliver it (delivery is only on TaoBao for China)

If the second problem can easily solve many intermediaries, from the first all the more complicated. If you want to find something interesting, unusual or beyond the scope of "ordinary goods", then you will face difficulty in the language barrier

About two months ago I tried to run your online store, which is quite unique for Russia. Products planned to purchase on TaoBao. The task of finding products and some ideas simplify this tedious process embodied in the idea of service-assistant. Some routine actions can be automated, which was done. What came out of it look under the cut.

A screenshot of the main page is service

Construction Widgets


    currency Converter — no more than just a useful bun, which makes no sense to talk in detail. You can write arithmetic expressions of the form 150+10 (150 yuan price of goods, and 10 — price of delivery in China). Arithmetic expressions are evaluated using eval()

    translation — opens the search results of goods in TaoBao, where the search field is the translation of the selected phrase in simplified Chinese (the translation is via Google Translate. This will be lower). To enter a search string in Russian and get results translated into the Chinese query is quite convenient and saves time to drive a query in the Google translator. Some may argue that the sites of many of the mediators have a similar shape search with the translation of the results into Russian language. Of course there is. And TaoBao even has public API. But this approach lost one very useful feature. Everyone probably saw in Google search a phrase like "Perhaps you meant...". So, this works on the TaoBao but it is lost when working through the API

our Main goal

Almost always I quickly find I need copies of the products. But the problem is that in search results two or three pages of results products that match my search criteria 3-5. The rest is the result of inaccurate translation, and for me are the "search debris". Let's look at a simple but at the same time, a real example. We need to find a heating pad for hands on TaoBao image photos of the packaging we see the brand name "winfire" and a couple of characters that are for us, as people who do not know Chinese to drive the results of the search will be difficult. Just want to clarify that we are not important brand. We need a hand warmer of the same type.
If we try to do a search with the translation for "warmer" receive is not what you were looking for

If you try to look for a hot water bottle on request "winfire" we'll find her, along with a bunch of different shoes in search results.

The results for request "WinFire" for us it is interesting. It is not difficult to assume that in the names of products that meet our criteria among characters rooted in our "key words". To identify them manually it's quite ungrateful. This is the main task of service.
All you need is to copy the names of products that meet our needs into the input fields and click "find keywords"
In order to demonstrate the opportunity on the home page TaoHelp.Me you can click on the link "Demonstration" and the field automatically populated with characters from the above example.

After pressing the button "find keywords" you will see the translation of each name on Russian language and characters common to 50% of the names. Button "Search for keys on TaoBao" open search results in accordance with the specified keys. As you can see, now, search results we can see exactly what I was looking for.

You may have noticed that the button "find keywords" changed its name to "clarify the results". Now its function is to find a common kanji for 50% of the names, and for more of them (i.e., if the total characters were 品白金怀炉暖手宝 after pressing the button 怀炉暖). Now search results has changed, and we can see not only our product but also its other varieties of consumables.

It is worth mentioning the options Latin, and Hieroglyphs. If you include the Latin alphabet, then the keywords will fall further and the words consisting of Latin alphabet (in our case, the word winfire)

How to translate

Probably all know that Google has long been shut down API access to its interpreter. This is true, but the opportunity to use some of the features there, thanks to website translator. I suspect that almost certainly, if to use it with a backend, then very quickly you can get banned by ip, but if you use it on JS, this problem is solved very easily. Here is an example using jQuery
{ q: value, sl: "auto", tl: 'EN', tc: "1" },
function(data) {alert(data[0])}, 

Here the parameter q — the original string; sl source language; tl — the final language

In closing

  • to Find rare goods on TaoBao is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance
  • the
  • I Want to ask people not to abuse the free transfer. My project does not monetiziruya, but carries a very useful functionality, and if it'll be released on monetization, I'll be sure to use the paid Google API
  • the
  • I am not a broker, no intermediary services. I'm a buyer on TaoBao, which decided to simplify your life
  • the
  • If the service will ever be monetizirovat, it is only through cooperation with intermediaries and cargo companies on a separate page "intermediaries". All functionality will always remain free.
  • the
  • English version of the site made by and large by means of the same Google Translate and do not possess the correct
  • the
  • Section "Tips on TaoBao" did not finish. don't know whether to spend time on it. Can be in General, this service is only interesting to me. There was planned to describe the subtleties in the choice of the seller and use of search filters TaoBao
  • If anyone is interested, my online store, I did not run. The moral: do not do business with friends

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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