A bunch of MODX Revolution and phpBB forum

updated 6 November 2012.
In the previous version was not done very well and were popping out the stones from under the water.
updated 7 November 2012.
minor bug fixed
updated 13 November 2012.
corrected the file /forum/includes/auth/auth_modx.php:

Version of phpBB: 3.0.11
Version MODX: 2.2.5-pl

Folder /
Folder forum: /forum

The database I have different, but you one to use, like everything should be the way.

Authorization occurs almost entirely on the side of MODX. The forum creates a backup of MODX users, but their data is automatically updated from MODX.

the Plugin authorization phpBB

For authorization on the forum is using the "plugin authorization", briefly about them.

To use the plug-in authorization, you have:

1. To come up with the name of the plug-in authorization, for example: modx
2. Create the file /forum/includes/auth/auth_modx.php (the file name suffix (modx) == plugin name)
3. In the file /forum/includes/auth/auth_modx.php must be at least one function login_modx (suffix == plugin name)
4. Disable registration on the forum: GENERAL - > user Registration - > Disable check
5. In the admin panel of the forum: GENERAL -> Authentication -> select from the list Modx

Code /file forum/includes/auth/auth_modx.php:

# /forum/includes/auth/auth_modx.php

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB')){

* returns information about the current user
function get_user_data(){

// Plug-in
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
require dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/index.php'; // my forum is in /forum

// MODX redirects to your obrabotki errors, and forum messages are displayed crooked,
// so we need to assign back the  error  handler on a forum:
set_error_handler(defined('PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER') ? PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER : 'msg_handler');

// get user
if($modx->user->get('id') != 0){ // If not anonimous
$result['username'] = $modx->user->get('username');
$profile = $modx->user->getOne('Profile');
$result['user_email'] = $profile->get('email');
$fields = $profile->get('extended');
$result['user_from'] = (string) $fields['region']; // If the field is empty, it returns NULL and in the database of the forum may not be NULL
// Here you can add other profile fields, for example:
// $result['имя_столбца_в_БД_форума_в_таблице_иѕегѕ'] = Значение_поля_из_БД_modx;
// All the fields listed here are checked, and if changed in MODX, and change on the forum,
// example: Changed the user in MODX extended field region, is automatically changed in the database forum field user_from
// autorefresh occurs in a function validate_session_modx (below)

return $result;

* Responsible for the authorisation.
login_modx function(){

$auth = get_user_data();

// if authorization is not possible
if (!is_array($auth) || empty($auth))
return array(
'user_row' => array('user_id' = > ANONYMOUS),

global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_email, user_from, user_type
WHERE username_clean = '" . $db->sql_escape(utf8_clean_string($auth['username'])) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

if ($row){

foreach($auth as $auK => $auV){
if($row[$auK] != $auV){ // If user field is not equal to  form  field from a modx (at least one)
$sql = "UPDATE" . USERS_TABLE . "SET" . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $auth) .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($row['user_id']) . "'";

$res = array(
'status' = > LOGIN_SUCCESS,
'error_msg' => false,
'user_row' => array(
'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'username' => $row['username'], // Display name of the user
'user_email' => $row['user_email'], // user's E-mail if there is
'user_from' => $row['user_from'],
'user_type' => 0,
'group_id' => 2
return $res;

// To inform that the authorization was successful.
$res = array(
'error_msg' => false,
'user_row' => array(
"username" => $auth['username'], // Display name of the user
"user_email" = > $auth['user_email'], // user's E-mail if there is
"user_from" => $auth['user_from'],
"user_type" => 0,

return $res;


* Responsible for registration and authorization of user at the first visit.
autologin_modx function(){
$user_row = login_modx();
// if the user is not registered
if ($user_row['status'] == LOGIN_SUCCESS_CREATE_PROFILE)
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
if (!function_exists('user_add'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
$user_row['user_row']['user_id'] = user_add($user_row['user_row']);
// return user data
global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM' . USERS_TABLE . "WHERE user_id = '" . $db->sql_escape($user_row['user_row']['user_id']) . "'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
return $row;

logout_modx function(){
// Connect modx API
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
require dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/index.php';
$modx- > getService('error','error.modError');
$modx- > runProcessor('/security/logout');
//$modx- > cacheManager- > refresh();

validate_session_modx function($locUser){
$auth = get_user_data();

if($locUser['username'] == 'Anonymous'){
return false;
return true;
// Take user of modx, and if it is empty, then go on the forum
// Log out from forum
global $user;
}elseif(($auth['username'] != $locUser['username'])){
return false;
return true;

Admin forum

Because the authorization almost entirely occurs on the side of MODX, the forum admin (the username admin) must be registered in MODX.

Now, let's say we have user admin in MODX, and have forum admin with same name admin.
The problem is that the forum administrator needs to confirm your password that can not check, because the authorization we have in MODX, instead of through the database of the forum.


So disable additional verification of the password of the administrator of the forum:
In file: /forum/adm/index.php
// Have they authenticated (again) as an admin for this session?
if (!isset($user->data['session_admin']) || !$user->data['session_admin'])
login_box(", $user- > lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM'], $user- > lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_SUCCESS'], true, false);

Change to:
// Have they authenticated (again) as an admin for this session?
//if (!isset($user->data['session_admin']) || !$user->data['session_admin'])
// login_box(", $user- > lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_CONFIRM'], $user- > lang['LOGIN_ADMIN_SUCCESS'], true, false);

if (!$auth->acl_get('a_'))

To add the line:
$user- > data['session_admin'] = 1;

Login password recovery

In the file /forum/ucp.php, log in at the same time on the website and the forum using the login form on the forum:
Between case 'login': and break; (inclusive):
 case 'login':
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/index.php';
$modx- > getService('error','error.modError');
set_error_handler(defined('PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER') ? PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER : 'msg_handler');

if($_REQUEST["username"] and $_REQUEST["password"]){
$data = array(
'username' => $_REQUEST["username"],
'password' => $_REQUEST["password"],
'rememberme' => 1,
'login_context' => 'web',
$response = $modx- > runProcessor('/security/login', $data);
if ($response->isError()) {

if ($user- > data['is_registered'])

login_box(request_var('redirect', "index.$phpEx"));

Even if the user was not in the database forum, it is automatically created.

Below the link "Forgot password?" on the forum, got to the password recovery page of MODX (/forum/ucp.php):

 case 'sendpassword':
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/index.php';
$modx- > getService('error','error.modError');
set_error_handler(defined('PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER') ? PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER : 'msg_handler');
$modx- > sendRedirect($modx- > makeUrl(865,",",'full')); // where the 865 is the ID of the MODX resource with a password reset form

The article, which was taken as a basis:
Integration users of the site and forum on phpbb 3
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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