The search engine Scroogle forced to close down

Daniel Brandt founded a search engine in 2003 as "private" front-end to Google to eliminate the use of tracking cookies and collect search history. Although Google has suffered a violation of the ToS for several years, but in February 2012, Scroogle was finally zablokirovan.

Unlike previous occasions, this time to rectify the situation failed. After blocking and prolonged DDoS attacks on the servers of the Daniel Brandt, the project had to be closed.

"I have no more domain online — said Brandt, I also withdrew all my domains out of DNS because I want to signal to criminal elements that I have no more servers that can be destroyed. I hope this will prevent further attacks on my previous hosting providers. closed forever. Even if I didn't have problems with DDoS since December, Scroogle was still removed from Google SERPs, and was already dying. It could last another six months if I hadn't lost seven servers from DDoS, but that's all."

In addition to Scroogle, I had to close other projects Brandt, including a popular reference for American intelligence officers and other influential people NameBase, who has worked online since 1997, and sites and,

Need to add that Daniel Brandt — a maniac in terms of privacy: he spent more than 9,000 hours to remove from the Wikipedia article about himself, and by 2007, he's managed.

For those who want to preserve the privacy of search queries, we can recommend other anonymous search engines: DuckDuckGo, Ixquick, Yippy, Ask Eraser and also block cookies, scripts and advertising software.

Due to the fact that March 1 will come into effect new rules for the use of Google services, it is recommended beforehand to remove the history of their search queries (see step by step instructions on the website of the electronic frontier Foundation). After March 1, the search history of the user can be used in all Google services.
Article based on information from


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