Released PostgreSQL 9.1

"Among all DBMS open source PostgreSQL 9.1 provides some of the most advanced industrial capabilities and supported by an energetic and innovative community with proven success in consumer. PostgreSQL — proven solution for installing and running applications in the cloud," said Charles Fan, senior Vice President of the Department of research and development, VMware.

/ > user Information

Several functions, the implementation of which users have requested over the years, were added in PostgreSQL 9.1 that allows you to get rid of the obstacles to deploying new or ported applications on PostgreSQL. Among them:

  • Synchronous replication (Synchronous Replication): allows you to combine high availability with connectivity to multiple servers.
  • the
  • a Comparison of column (Per-Column Collations): support linguistically-correct sorting in the database, table or column.
  • the
  • Busprotocol table (Unlogged Tables): a significant increase in productivity with real-time data.

"Heroku provides the world's largest database service PostgreSQL as services," said James Lindenbaum, Heroku co-founder, "the Release of version 9.1 with synchronous data replication gives our customers the possibility of new methods to protect critical information and argues for PostgreSQL, the status of the rapid data warehouse."

the Development of the modern state

Our community of users is constantly contributing to new product opportunities. Version 9.1 includes several new to industry databases:

  • the index of the nearest neighboring records (K-Nearest-Neighbor Indexing): indexing on the fly for faster location and text-search queries.
  • the
  • Serial isolation copies (Serializable Snapshot Isolation): the ability to store competing the agreed transaction without blocking, using "true uporyadochennost".
  • the
  • Shared writable expression of the table (Writeable Common Table Expressions): run a single query complex multi-stage data updates.
  • the
  • Improved security (Security-Enhanced Postgres): starting military security levels and mandatory access control.

"OpenERP has always relied on the possibility of industrial-class PostgreSQL to provide a fast, reliable and scalable Foundation for business applications that support the actions of our customers every day. Data integrity in a highly competitive business environment for us is a very important question, and we are delighted with the new serial isolation copies of "PostgreSQL 9.1"!" said Oliver Downey, head of the community of OpenERP.

Extension mechanism DBMSs

PostgreSQL's extensibility — this allows users to add new functionality to already running databases and use them to solve tasks that can not perform any other DBMS. Version 9.1 has several tools extensions:

  • Wrapper foreign data (Foreign Data Wrappers): attach and query other databases from PostgreSQL.
  • the
  • add-Ons (Extensions): easily create, load and manage new features of the database.

All of the above and many other innovations described on the wiki page "What's new in 9.1" (What's New in 9.1) and the release notes (release notes).

For 25 years, with each new annual release, the developer community continues to improve the technology of databases. Download version 9.1 and try the most developed in the world of DBMS with the open source community.

More information on PostgreSQL 9.1:
Article based on information from


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