Ferra.ru how we did your reader news and articles for Android

Hello! It so happened that I work in Ferra.ru. Yesterday we released their Android app, and I still not let overwhelmed with the desire to share his joy. I think "I PR" for that will suit best. We did it for a long time, have been changed many times. But what put in Google Play, we like it, although, of course, wanted more. But first – at the time.

First answer the question: why? It is clear that there is no problem to read us via RSS. We have a separate tape articles and even design news there you can select separate sections. But RSS all are special stuff. We know that you know about it, and the mass of the people do not know. And statistics of website visits by platform/browser confirms this. Plus, conceived functions like commenting, which RSS reader will not pull in principle. Anyway, specialized is the best universal.

The design turned out to be minimal: two tabs under news and articles. The first shows a simple list of headlines and snippets of text. Articles smarter: they show a horizontal list for each section, with a tiny kartinochku.

To move between adjacent materials can swipe to make a detour through a list is not necessary. This idea seems to have come to us independently, but, as it turned out, this is common. Great minds think alike :)

Now to technical details. App we mobile and this user has one main feature: slow and sometimes expensive Internet. So I had to figure out how not to drive the excess air. The task appeared to be interesting!

Let's start with the fact that all the pictures massturbate on the server side. The client passes the width of the terminal screen and gets image size. This is the main measure, and it is possible to cut the traffic of two to three times. The images are loaded when opening the material and cached for later.

Article we have a three-dimensional, and even the bare letter would have eaten megabytes, the other for one update. Well, who needs this senseless cruelty?.. In General, we have made a separate RSS feed articles, which includes only the title and URL (they have to play the role ID) of the last ten articles from each section. The client receives them, looks what he has not, and then accesses the individual script, displaying the full text of specific articles in the RSS format, passing it the ID of the desired article. How many new articles appeared – so many times will turn.

In General, we need feedback, criticism, fondling, beating and, if possible, advice on how to do better :) Until optimization comes to mind is a query for all of the latest articles in one fell swoop, not to rape dinapigue connection.

Ferra.ru in Google Play
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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