Began accepting questions for the Q&A session with experts from PostgreSQL

Began pre-accepting questions for the Q&A session with leading
experts PostgreSQL. The beginning of the main time: 15:00.


* Bruce Momjian (Bruce Momjian), coordinator of the PostgreSQL development
the leader of community PostgreSQL, the expert of the company of EnterpriseDB.
* Maxim Boguk, senior database administrator of companies Rambler and
Masterhost, a renowned expert on PostgreSQL.
* Fedor Sigaev, the developer of a subsystem of full-text search systems
indexing GiST, GIN, and many additional modules, one of
key member of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group.
* Oleg Bartunov, one of the key members of the PostgreSQL Global Development
Group, the developer of a subsystem of full-text search systems
indexing GiST, GIN, the developer-terabyte scientific databases.
* Marko Krin (Marko Kreen), one of the main architects of databases
Skype, the developer and maintainer of projects such as PL/Proxy,
Skytools, PgBouncer and pgcrypto.

Questions are accepted in the jabber-channel
(the main method) and in skype:postgresmen.

If you for some reason can't use jabber or
skype, leave questions as comments to this news.

How to ask questions:
If you can specify the name, organization and method of communication. Not
to ask questions from discharge FAQ, they will be filtered out.
Questions can be addressed from all the experts or someone.
The main language issues: Russian for foreign visitors
translated online. Allowed questions in English.

Exemplary topics for discussion: the development of PostgreSQL performance PostgreSQL community use in larger projects, PostgreSQL vs MySQL, the popularity of OSS DBMS and issues in Enterprise area.

Look forward to your questions!

the PS This is an experiment, our first times, if not — don't kick my ass ;-)
Article based on information from


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