Google: alternatives to the search giant

Google is constantly working on innovations and improvements to their services. Only in the last few weeks the company has added the ability to automatically correct images when uploading to Google+, launched a network of balloons to provide Internet access in areas with poorly developed infrastructure has opened access to a new subscription service to music and updated service card.

But while the company reports on the recent income and achievements, investors are only interested in one thing — income from contextual advertising company

Among all innovations of Google, the search engine remains one of the most reliable sources of income of the company.

In June, more than 90% of searches on computers and over 92% of queries on mobile devices in the UK were on Google. These numbers can be envied by any company. At the same time in the U.S. market, the average percentage below average and is about 78%. There are problems in the markets of China, Russia and South Korea.

A long time Google search service remained the best of its kind. The company has invested heavily in the implementation of search services and its mobile platform, thus securing a lead in the near future.

It is hard to imagine who can compete with Google, except services of Russia and Asia, investing a major force in the search of mechanisms and systems.

But even in this situation other companies are trying to create a competitive product, offer different search features or even try to use absolutely other principles of construction and operation of the search engine.


Search engine Bing Microsoft is the leading competitor to Google if we consider the search market in General. But the Bing share is less than the twentieth part of all search queries.

The most noticeable difference from Google is Bing th colorful pictures as the background of the start page. Of course, that this is only a visual difference and no more.

Microsoft is experimenting with social possibilities. Users of Bing in the USA in addition to the search results have access to an additional panel which offers their friends from Facebook which in turn may provide more information or help with the search.

Also Bing is working on a service "boards" ("boards") which allow users to create their own "niche content" for search results


The most popular Russian search engine. Now the company is working to introduce a new approach to the display of search results under the name of “island” where the answers are interactive blocks that in turn are intended to eliminate the necessity of external resources.

Thus, the user will be able to solve the problem directly on the search page. For example, a search for “Aeroflot check-in Moscow” will show in the results of a form in which the user enters their details and send directly to the airline.


DuckDuckGo highlight privacy as the main feature, promising not to collect and use the personal information of its users.

This issue became topical after the discovery of the fact that Google, Microsoft and others sent information about users to the National security Agency of the United States. DuckDuckGo also does not contain much advertising and not personalitywe search results.


Most search engines base their ranking of results on the analysis of content and links between pages.
Search engine Blippex orders the results based on their DwellRank and the amount of time that users spent on the website since it got to her. The more time they spent on the page — especially important is the information.

The service receives the necessary information by installing a user extension that anonymously sends information about the activity.

Blippex was launched last week and the first users sometimes note the unexpected results, but the developers promise that the more users use the service the better the results will be.

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is positioning itself not as a search engine, and as a knowledge base and a set of computational algorithms. Although many users still use the service to search for external information.

Service instead to provide links to other sites, it gathers facts and figures from different sources and then operates on these data to display search results in the form of tables, graphs and other illustrations.

WolframAlpha provides advanced paid services which allows users to process their own data and promises a richer analysis of information


Characteristic Blekko is the use of “sisterov” tool to filter the result, which wants to user. If, for example, the user wants to know where to buy a cake, it often will enter “cake / shop / restaurant” but if he wants to see the cakes, it will enter “cake / blog”. The results are grouped according to different categories such as shopping, recipes, decorations — to help the user to focus on the most suitable type for desired result


Leading South Korean search engine was created in 1999 by a group of former Samsung employees.
The queries produce unusually long lists of links grouped by their type of source — blogs, social networks, apps, books, news
Often the links lead the user to the personal materials Naver including “cafe”, a community where users share interesting content on a specific topic.


Pipl specializiruetsya on searching details about a particular person or its content. The service involves the use of queries built on the name, postal address, phone number.

The developers of the service claim that their system finds information that competitors miss because Pipl looks for information in social networking profiles, protocols of courts, lists of participants and other databases.

Results include photos and sometimes names of other people who knows the desired person
Often the service is used to search private profiles and publications, which the author forgot over time


Baidu is the most popular search engine of China. The company claims that the service provides not only links to, but often, the relevant information which is searched by the user. This may include music and videos and even interactive apps to the desired page.

Long time the service was available only in Chinese and only recently the developers have launched a English version.


Yacy built on the principle of peer-to-peer (peer-to-peer) network. Instead of using its own servers to index the sites, he entrusts this task to the computers of its users with the help of special software.
The collected information is distributed over a distributed database. Because the search happens on the computers of users, Yacy claims that the results are not subject to censorship.

Unfortunately, the ranking algorithms of the results of the service is not as advanced as other competitors

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